Flinders University
Students' attention is drawn to the Student Related Policies and Procedures (available at:, and in particular the University's Assessment
Topic number and title: NURS2006 Clinical Governance and Practice Improvement Bedford Park
Units: 4.5
Date on which this statement was provided to students: 17 July 2017
Duration of topic: NS2 24/07/2017 to 08/09/2017
School(s) responsible for topic: School of Nursing & Midwifery
Topic Coordinator: Dr Huiyun Du, (08) 8201 2997, N227 (Sturt)
Expected student workload* ( -
policy.cfm#Appendixb): number of hours per week or in total.
135 hours in total
* Indicative only of the estimated minimum time commitment necessary to achieve a Pass grade in the topic.
Expected student workload should be based on the standard student workload of approximately 30 hours of student time commitment per
Details of assessable work in the topic (Optional forms of assessment, where permitted, are also detailed):
Format of each
assessment exercise
of total
Deadline for
Penalties to be applied
if deadline is not met*
Date work is
expected to
be returned
to students
Assignment 1: Online
Three (3) online
multiple choice quizzes
on Evidence Based
Practice (EBP) and
Clinical Practice
Improvement (CPI)
5% each
quiz. Total
Quiz 1: 1100 as per
deadline on topic
FLO site, depending
on Availability
Quiz 2: 1100 as per
deadline on topic
FLO site depending
on Availability
Quiz 3: 1100 as per
deadline on topic
FLO site, depending
on Availability
If you do not attempt each
quiz by the due date you
will receive 0 marks for
the particular quiz that
you missed.
1 week after
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Format of each
assessment exercise
of total
Deadline for
Penalties to be applied
if deadline is not met*
Date work is
expected to
be returned
to students
Assignment 2: An
investigation of a
clinical governance
or clinical practice
Written paper.
Students are required
to choose an issue from
the list provided in FLO.
(1000-1200 words PLUS
a summary table)
35% Tuesday 1100, as
per the deadline on
the topic FLO site,
depending on the
If you do not negotiate
with the topic coordinator
for an extension, you will
lose 5% of the potential
mark for each day, or part
thereof, that the
assignment is overdue.
If you do negotiate for an
extension and do not
meet the extension due
date, you will lose 5% of
the potential mark for
each day, or part thereof,
the assignment is
Assignments submitted
more than 10 working
days after the due date
(original or extension due
date) will not be accepted
and 0 marks will be
Where a written
assignment exceeds the
word count by 10% the
marker will cease marking
the work from that point.
2 weeks after
Assignment 3: An
investigation of a
clinical governance
or clinical practice
A written paper;
This assignment
extends work
undertaken in
Assignment 2. (2000
50% Tuesday 1100, as
per the deadline in
the topic FLO site,
depending on the
If you do not negotiate
with the topic coordinator
for an extension, you will
lose 5% of the potential
mark for each day, or part
thereof, that the
assignment is overdue.
If you do negotiate for an
extension and do not
meet the extension due
date, you will lose 5% of
the potential mark for
each day, or part thereof,
the assignment is
Assignments submitted
more than 10 working
days after the due date
(original or extension due
date) will not be accepted
and 0 marks will be
Where a written
assignment exceeds the
word count by 10% the
marker will cease marking
the work from that point.
3 weeks after
*See clause 9.3 Assessment Policy and Procedures
Extensions may be granted by a duly authorised person where the student has:
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made a written request for an extension prior to the due date for the assessment item;
included supporting information where relevant when requesting the extension.
justified the request on the basis of unforeseen or exceptional circumstances that are reasonably likely to prevent substantial completion of
the assessment by the specified due date.
Criteria for successful completion of the topic (including, where appropriate, the achievement of a certain
minimum level of competence in both the theoretical and practical components of the topic and details of special
requirements concerning particular elements or aspects of the topic such as attendance/participation
requirements, group activity) are as follows:
Students must:
Gain a cumulative grade of 50% or higher by adding the marks together for all assignments.
Participation requirements
You are strongly advised to attend 100% of all on-campus tutorials where appropriate in this topic. This will give
you the best chance to:
meet the learning outcomes for the topic,
ask questions of your classroom lecturer,
work with your group, and
pick up further information to assist you with completing your assessments.
Where you have legitimate reasons for missing a class (e.g. medical/compassionate grounds), opportunities will
be provided for catching up work and the normal support services will apply.
Alignment of Assessment with Expected Topic Learning Outcomes
On completion of this topic, students will be expected to
be able to:
Assessment exercises relating to
each Learning Outcome
LO1: describe clinical governance and risk management in
clinical practice and explain the need for this
Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO2: describe the structures and processes of clinical
governance in healthcare settings
Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO3: describe at a developing level how e-health information
sharing can facilitate clinical governance and practice
Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO4: describe and discuss the implications of implementing
unsafe nursing/health care
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO5: explain the need for clinical practice improvement and
the use of research to inform practice and quality improvement
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO6: identify and describe barriers to clinical practice
improvement and develop strategies for overcoming these
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO7: reflect on their role in relation to clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
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On completion of this topic, students will be expected to
be able to:
Assessment exercises relating to
each Learning Outcome
LO8: identify risks in the healthcare setting and their role in
documenting and reporting risk
Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO9: apply principles and tools to guide decision-making about
clinical and professional practice and justify their own practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO10: use various types of evidence to inform practice,
including validated clinical practice guidelines
Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO11: critically assess evidence to evaluate its relevance,
credibility and rigour to practice
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
LO12: use appropriate communication strategies to plan,
implement and evaluate care in an interprofessional context
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Alignment of Assessment with Graduate Qualities
Flinders University's Bachelor degree programs aim to
produce graduates who:
Assessment exercises relating to
each Graduate Quality
GQ1. Are knowledgeable Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
GQ2. Can apply their knowledge Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
GQ3. Communicate effectively Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
GQ4. Can work independently Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
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Flinders University's Bachelor degree programs aim to
produce graduates who:
Assessment exercises relating to
each Graduate Quality
GQ5. Are collaborative Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
GQ6. Value ethical behaviour Assignment 1: Online quizzes
Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
GQ7. Connect across boundaries. Assignment 2: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
Assignment 3: An investigation of a
clinical governance or clinical practice
The Nature and Importance of Academic Integrity
All students and staff have an obligation to understand and respect the rules and practice of academic integrity.
It is therefore expected that students and staff will adhere to high standards of academic integrity (refer
Academic integrity means that all work which is presented by a student as the work of that student is produced
by the student alone, with all sources and collaboration fully acknowledged. Breaches of academic integrity,
including cheating, plagiarism and fabrication or falsification of data, are unacceptable and there are serious
consequences when a breach is detected.
Detection of Breaches of Academic Integrity
Staff use a range of methods (including electronic means) to assist in the detection of breaches of academic
integrity. The University has mandated the use of text-matching for all text-based student assignments. Except
where the Academic Integrity Policy []
provides for an exemption under special circumstances, all text-based student assignments will be subject to
text-matching in conjunction with their submission for assessment.
The University makes available for student use electronic text matching software, which can be accessed through
the Flinders Learning Online Academic Integrity site [].
Have any exemptions from the requirement for the application of text-matching software to student assignments
due to special circumstances been approved by the Executive Dean for this topic? No
Resubmission of Assessment Exercises [link to clause 9.4 Assessment Policy and Procedures]
May assessment exercises be resubmitted after revision for re-marking? Yes
Circumstances under which assessment exercises may be resubmitted, the form this may take and the maximum
mark obtainable are as follows:
Assignment 3 only:
An application for the resubmission of a failed assessment exercise must be made in writing to the Topic
Coordinator within ten working days of the return of that exercise. The application must state the grounds for the
request. If approval to resubmit an assessment is granted, the Topic Coordinator will indicate how much of the
assessment exercise needs to be resubmitted and the deadline for such resubmission. The maximum mark for a
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resubmitted assignment is 50%.
Supplementary assessment for this topic may be granted where a student has:
achieved an overall result in the topic of between 45 and 49% or the equivalent where percentage marks are
not awarded; and
completed all required work for the topic; and
met all attendance requirements that apply to the topic; and
obtained at least a pass level grade in any specific component of assessment (other than an examination) for
the topic where this is explicitly stated to be a formal requirement for the successful completion of the course
or topic.
An Examination Board may grant supplementary assessment for this topic in circumstances other than those
covered above on the basis of unforeseen or exceptional circumstances reasonably beyond the control or
knowledge of the student.
If unforeseen or exceptional circumstances prevent the student from sitting or remaining for the duration of the
scheduled supplementary assessment, the student will be either: awarded a result in the topic of Withdraw, Not
Fail (WN); or offered the opportunity to demonstrate competence through an alternative mechanism.
If unforeseen or exceptional circumstances are demonstrated to persist up to the commencement of the next
academic year, then the student will be awarded a result in the topic of WN.
Deferred assessment for this topic may be approved for medical and compassionate reasons in appropriate
circumstances. A student who is unable to sit or remain for the duration of the original examination due to
unexpected or exceptional circumstances may apply for deferred assessment.
If unexpected or exceptional circumstances prevent the student from sitting or remaining for the duration of a
scheduled supplementary or deferred examination, or from submitting by the agreed deadline a supplementary
or deferred assessment exercise, the student will be either: awarded a result in the topic of Withdraw, Not Fail
(WN); or offered the opportunity to demonstrate competence through an alternative mechanism.
If unexpected or exceptional circumstances are demonstrated to persist up to the commencement of the next
academic year, then the student will be awarded a result in the topic of WN.
Adjustment to Teaching or Assessment Methods (refer clause 9.1 Assessment Policy and Procedures)
A student with a disability, impairment, or medical condition who seeks reasonable adjustments in the teaching
or assessment methods of a topic on the basis of his/her disability may make a request to a Disability Advisor as
soon as practicable after enrolment in the topic.
Any such reasonable adjustments must be documented in an Access Plan and discussed between the student
and the Topic Coordinator. Any reasonable adjustments must be agreed to by the Topic Coordinator and must be
in accordance with related University policy. A student who is dissatisfied with the response from the Topic
Coordinator or with provisions made for reasonable adjustments to teaching or assessment methods may appeal
in writing to the Faculty Board.
Authorisation of Statement of Assessment Methods
Dr Huiyun Du 15 / 05 / 2017
Signature of Topic Coordinator Date
DVCA: 05.12.16
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