BUSS103 Principles of Marketing代写

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  • BUSS103  Principles of Marketing代写
    BUSS103  Principles of Marketing
    Teresa Corsalini, Lecturer
    Steve Erichsen, Lecturer
    Amanda Bull, Lecturer
    Brenton Price, Lecturer
    Introduce yourself and your favourite brand
    A world without Marketing is a world without choice
    Marketing helps meet the different needs and wants of customers in a society.
    Without marketing products would not have different features and goods would be uniform.
    Marketing gives consumers choice
    Marketing connects producers and consumers
    Marketing Creates and Communicates Value
    Value is a customer’s assessment of the utility of an offering based on perceptions of what is received and what is given.= Quality / Price
    = Benefits expected / Benefits received
    Value is subjective and is different for each person
    Identify the different ideas of value from the Consumer quotes:
    1.“I drive a BMW because I want to show family, friends and neighbours how well I am doing”
    2.“I like McDonalds – its such great value – sure the food isn’t great, but you get a lot for you money”
    3.“I still shop at my local butchers even though its more expensive than the supermarket because they are friendly, can give me advice and know me personally”
    The Marketing Concept
    Think of your smart phone, tablet or laptop. Log into moodle and quickly answer these questions in the online lecture activity 1 on the SIBT Learning Site for week 1. There are no wrong answers.
    What is the product?
    Where was the place you bought it?
    What price did you pay?
    Hw did you find out about the product?
    What are you favourite features?
    Week 1 Marketing Terms
    Access the AMA Marketing Dictionary site on SIBT Learning SITE to check the definitions for these words:
    Product – A good, service or idea offered for exchange.
    Brand – A collection of symbols creating a differentiated image in the customer’s mind.
    Demand – A want (non-necessary desire) that a consumer has the ability to satisfy.
    Good – A physical (tangible) offering capable of being delivered to a customer.
    Service – An intangible offering that does not involve ownership.
    BUSS103  Principles of Marketing代写
    The Marketing Definition
    Marketing Process
    The Marketing Mix
    The Seven P’s Marketing Model includes concepts that will be discussed in this course through the semester:

    The Traditional 4 Ps:
    •Place (distribution)
    The Marketing Service Ps
    •Physical Evidence
    Marketing Ps - Product
    Product – A good, service or idea offered for exchange. It can be a physical good or an intangible service.
    Top Australian Products 2015
    Marketing Ps - Price
    Which Price is more realistic for this take away pizza for dinner?
    Marketing Ps - Price
    Price – The amount of money a business demands in exchange for its offerings
    Willingness to pay – What customers are prepared to give in return for what they get.
    Pricing decisions must also consider:
    -production, communication and distribution costs
    -partners’ requirements
    -competitors’ prices.
    Potential customers were made aware of diamond wedding rings and have been attracted to purchase them due to 100 years of successful marketing campaigns by De Beers.
    In pairs discuss:
    What is your favourite advertisement?
    Have you purchased a product recently due to the advertisement?
    BUSS103  Principles of Marketing代写
    Without promotion the market for the product may not exist as there may be no customers.
    Activity: Log into Moodle and click on lecture activity two.
    Which of these failed advertisement campaigns is your favourite?
    What could have been done to make the campaigns successful?
    The means of making the right offering available to the customer at the right time and place
    Australia is shifting towards a service based economy. To recognise that important the Marketing model includes new service focused Ps.
    People: Everyone that a customer comes into contact with that affects the perception of value for a product or service. Eg Sales Representatives, customer service or even other customer’s word of mouth.
    Physical Evidence: The physical cues that affect the perception of a product eg A dirty table when eating at a restaurant ,  a car dealership full of different luxury cars,  a phone store having all the latest phones on display.
    Process:  The value created by the way the product is created, communicated to consumers, delivered and purchased. Example: Global product launches, and flag ship stores.
    1.Do you think encouraging children to smoke is ethical?
    2.Do companies have a responsibility to create their own Code of Conduct?
    3.Should the government regulate individuals and companies to determine what products are beneficial or not for society?
    Does the rain forest alliance help McDonalds meet its responsibilities for all three areas:
    A. The environment
    B. The economy
    C. The societal issues
    The market
    Smoking Ads
    BUSS103  Principles of Marketing代写