unisa BUSS 3082Staffing Organisations Assignment 代写
unisa BUSS 3082Staffing Organisations Assignment 代写
Assessment feedback
Schoolof Management |
BUSS 3082Staffing Organisations
Assignment 1– Job analysis
Weighting 30%Due: 02 April 2017 by 11pm |
Student name:
The Graduate qualities being assessed by this assignment are:
Operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice in understanding and analysingexisting business practice (QC1); is prepared for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice by applying existing knowledge and skills to understand organisational business practice to identify better methods for undertaking student pre-employment preparation (QC2); is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems, by analysing interview data and proposing business practices that meet social, legal, ethical and business needs (QC3); can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional, by undertaking a limited research task that requires a combination of individual effort and group work (QC4); communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community, demonstrated through interviewing and report writing (QC6) |
Assessment Criteria |
Needs work |
Satisfactory |
Excellent |
Job-oriented job analysis |
Demonstrates an adequate working knowledge of the requirements of job-oriented job analysis |
Able to apply the knowledge of job-oriented job analysis |
Identified job tasks |
Developed appropriate task statements |
Identified necessary KSAOs for tasks |
Developed appropriate job description |
Developed appropriate job specification |
Competency-oriented job analysis |
Identified/proposed appropriate business objectives |
Identified relevant competencies |
Identified necessary KSAOs for competencies |
Developed appropriate job description |
Developed appropriate job specification |
unisa BUSS 3082Staffing Organisations Assignment 代写
unisa BUSS 3082Staffing Organisations Assignment 代写
FAQ Assignment 1 based on the Questions asked by 2015 and 2016
students on those year’s versions of this question (and a few more as well)
1. re: Submitting Format ......................................................................................................... 3
2. Do I need to publish the employer's name? ........................................................................ 3
3. First or second or third person? .......................................................................................... 3
4. Referencing ......................................................................................................................... 4
5. Several pertinent questions asked and answered. ............................................................... 4
6. What job can you use for this assignment? ........................................................................ 5
7. Queries about competency-based job analysis ................................................................... 6
8. Task statements................................................................................................................... 6
9. Re: Task statements ............................................................................................................ 7
10. (i) Do I have to complete the templates? (ii) Job-oriented AND competency-oriented
as well? (iii) Do I have to write 1,500 words as well as the templates? .................................... 7
11. Competency Based Job Analysis .................................................................................... 9
12. Job description and specification documents .................................................................. 9
13. Re: Job description and specification documents ......................................................... 10
14. More assignment 1 questions and answers... ................................................................ 11
15. Can we use the job we are currently in? ....................................................................... 11
16. How many references must I use? ................................................................................ 11
17. Is this a report or an essay? ........................................................................................... 12
18. Do I need to attach feedback sheet to the assignment? ................................................. 12
19. Can I submit my assignment as a PDF?........................................................................ 12
20. As the assignment will be screened through turnitin, should I panic when the score is
very high the second or more times I resubmit the assignment? ............................................. 12
21. Do I have to attach any transcripts of any interviews? ................................................. 12
22. Do I really need to answer the set question? ................................................................ 12
23. So, what should I submit? ............................................................................................. 13
24. Do I HAVE to attach the feedback sheet to the assignment? ..................................... 13
25. Competencies/Attributes ............................................................................................... 13
26. What is the question I should be answering? ................................................................ 14
27. 1500 words? What is included in the 1500 words? ...................................................... 14
28. Importance of Task Ratings .......................................................................................... 15
29. % of time tasks performed & Task Dimensions ........................................................... 15
30. Task dimensions............................................................................................................ 16
31. How many task statements? .......................................................................................... 16
1. re: Submitting Format
by AnonyStudent - Sunday, 5 April 2015, 1:34 PM
Hi Gerry
I have read the various discussion threads in this forum and I am unable to find where it states the submitting
format. Can you please specify if in fact we are to submit the templates you have supplied us, along with the two
job and competency based job descriptions and specifications. this would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
Re: Submitting Format
by AnonyStudent - Sunday, 5 April 2015, 4:25 PM
I think this might help as this is the exact question I asked Gerry in the thread below this
His answer comes from the "Question A1" thread:
"The neatest way to treat this is a simple summary document that outlines what you have done (and how you
have done it), and includes the information sheets and position description and specifications as
an appendix."
I hope this helps
2. Do I need to publish the employer's name?
by Gerry Treuren - Saturday, 4 April 2015, 9:36 PM
Anonystudent asks: just a query before i submit of Assessment 1. Do I need to specify the company I
interviewed? They have asked if it was possible to not publish their name? But understand if this is not
Gerry: No, you do not need to give the name of the organisation. But please make clear the industry, the sort of
work the business does, etc...so that I can make an assessment on the adequacy of the job analysis.
3. First or second or third person?
by Gerry Treuren - Thursday, 2 April 2015, 1:18 PM
AnonyStudent asks:
'I have written the templates in third person, i.e. 'the incumbent is required to do etc etc', is this correct? or
should it be in first person?'
Gerry's response: 'Better to do in the third person, because you are aiming to convey a degree of objectivity to
the process...'
4. Referencing
AnonyStudent asks:
I am doing the job analysis of a Residential Personal Care Worker (because my friend is doing this
job), and in the section of job-oriented analysis I used the approach of interview to examine the job,
so how do I reference it? Only reference my friend name or I need to use some academic article as a
reference in the job analysis?
Gerry responds: Good question, Anony. Just make it clear in the text that you interviewed someone,
and add the details in the reference list, something like this….. Nameof InterviewedPerson, personal
communication, date….Now if you cite an article, cite the article and list the text in the reference list.
5. Several pertinent questions asked and answered.
by Gerry Treuren - Wednesday, 1 April 2015, 3:58 PM
AnonyStudent (AS) asks:
AS: I am half way through completing my assignment, and have a few questions that needs clarification. (I am
doing the job analysis on my current job - Sales Assistant at Prada - this is fictitious...)
1. The '% of time' taken to perform duties - the job I am doing is not a full time job, I work different hours every
day depending on the shifts given. Instead of writing a percentage of time, is it okay to write an estimation of
how many minutes it would take to perform the duty?
GT: Yes.
AS: 2. With the 'overall purpose of the job' question - I have grabbed my answer from the company's website.
Will I have to reference this, or is it not necessary in this instance?
GT: This raises the very practical question: what if the ACTUAL job is different from the IMAGINED job?
More often than not, the IMAGINED job that is advertised or on the website is dated, a fiction, a wish, or in
some way other than the ACTUAL job. Is this possibly the case? YOU, the practitioner exercising professional
judgement, using your expertise and knowledge as a specialist in the field of HR, need to identify what YOU
believe the job’s purpose to be about. Otherwise, you have defeated the purpose of a job analysis.
If you cite the website in any way, you will need to cite it…
AS: 3. The question that asks 'does the incumbent' supervise anyone' - I'm not sure what to write as an
answer for this question. As there are always new people who join my workplace, I am required to assist them
in performing their tasks and familiarising themselves with the workplace, while I am on my shift. Is this
considered supervising?
GT: Interesting – had you picked up this duty earlier on in the analysis? Hopefully you had….if your job
requires you to do something, then it is part of the job, and thus should get into the job analysis.
Yes, this is a form of supervision.
AS: A question asks 'describe the successful completion and/or results of the job' - what is an example of
answer for this question?
GT: If you were an auditor, employed by an accounting firm, you would ‘completed’ your job when you had
finalised and submitted your audit. If you are a student, then a measure of your ‘completion’ of your studies is
the satisfaction of all the requirements of the degree and the subsequent graduation. If you are an athlete training
for competition, being selected to attend the national competition is a sign of completion…
Not all jobs have such clear completions. Some jobs are generative, and these have relatively clear completions
and outcomes. In my job, for example, about 60 or 70% of my work is research. In my case, I investigate certain
phenomena and then test hypotheses about that phenomena, mostly around employee turnover, volunteer
behaviour and job search activity. A sign of completion or outcome of my work is submission of manuscripts to
a journal, the submission of a report to an employer, the presentation of a paper to an industry seminar, etc…
Other jobs are not generative – the job involves the person contributing to a process. Several examples. Last
year I spent some small time at one of Adelaide’s chicken abattoirs – the role of many people is to play some
role in the process of killing, plucking, dismembering, chicken carcasses…the employee sits in the middle of a
constant flow of chickens to be processed…easy to work out the performance of the employee (number of
chooks processed in a time period, quality rate, etc) but harder to work out the ‘completion’ or ’outcome’. Many
jobs held by students are similar (although not as dramatic): your job is to be there and do routine things while
you are there, but you cannot really point to any clear outcome or result…
6. What job can you use for this assignment?
by Gerry Treuren - Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 6:09 PM
Hi all,
I am sorry, I thought I had written an explicit clause about this in the Course Outline.
Any job, as long as it gives you material enough to generate a job description.
It could be the job you are doing. it could be a job you have done. The job someone you know is doing. or has
done. A parent, brother or sister, a second-cousin's boyfriend's aunt's piano student's sister's fiance, or a friend.
Even someone you don't know, but is happy to let you watch them do their work. It might be easier just to use
your own job or a past job, though - you are most likely to have experience and knowledge about that job.
7. Queries about competency-based job analysis
by Gerry Treuren - Tuesday, 31 March 2015, 3:46 PM
AnonyStudent asks:
(i) I am looking at the competency based job analysis information sheet, Q 6 and 7. Is there a suggested amount
of attributes the incumbent needs to be able to do? (ii) Are they meant to be more general than the job-oriented
role? (iii) I am finding it difficult using only the suggested attributes for each statement.
(iv) Does the table in Q7 link directly to the above table in 6- what I mean is the statement in attribute 1, do all
of the KSAOs need to be listed in the attribute #1 row of the table?
Gerry's response:
(i) No suggested number – only as many as needed to describe the competencies needed to do the job in a way
that achieves the organisation’s needs for the job.
(ii) Yes, more general than the job-oriented approach.
(iii) The listed eight verbs merely describe things that a person might do (they might manage something to
happen, or they might support someone or something to happen, analyse why something happens; etc…). You
can describe a lot of activity through those verbs. And if those verbs don’t describe what your imaginary job
holder needs to do, find other, better verbs.
(iv) Yes, each line in Table 6 relates to a line in Table 7. Table 6 describes the competency/ attribute, and gives
a brief describe of that the competency is about. The Table 7 line adds what knowledge and skills, etc are
needed to do this…You could, if you had a w-i-d-e piece of paper, add the right hand column of Table 7 to
Table 6.
8. Task statements
by AnonyStudent - Friday, 27 March 2015, 10:23 AM
Hi Gerry,
I had a crack at getting started on the assignment last night, after interviewing and filling out
the job orientated information sheet I used 2 duties in daily / regular / irregular so a total of 6
Does this mean we are required to produce 6 separate task statements for each duty? And
another 6 for competency based totalling 12 task statements?
Some of the KSAO's are very similar for me - so I feel like im often repeating myself in that
9. Re: Task statements
by Gerry Treuren - Friday, 27 March 2015, 5:16 PM
Hi AnonyStudent ,
Great that you are making good progress on this.
Each duty may lead to one task (or maybe more). You need as many tasks as you need to
describe the job. But you will have to set yourself a limit: you want to describe the main
activities of the job, not everything and every little detail of the job. Otherwise you will get
yourself bogged down in details…So, you will need to step back and work out how to best
describe the task…
And then you work out the KSAOs needed to carry out the task.
You raise the point that some of the KSAOs for the different tasks seem very similar. Good.
That means that the knowledge, skills and abilities for one task are the same as the KSAOs
needed for another task – clearly this job needs those KSAOs…So, in the job specification
you will only need to list the KSAO once…
And you will need to do this exercise for the job-oriented and the competency-based analysis.
10. (i) Do I have to complete the templates? (ii) Job-oriented AND
competency-oriented as well? (iii) Do I have to write 1,500 words
as well as the templates?
by AnonyStudent - Sunday, 22 March 2015, 3:44 PM
Hi Gerry,
I have been attempting to start assignment 1, but would like some clarification as to the material you posted
online. I am slightly confused with the templates and their relevance to the assignment. Is it expected that we
complete the templates for both job-orientated and competency-based analysis as part of the assignment? Are
these then to be submitted as part of our word count, or do we then need to write an additional 1500 words to
write a position description and job specification. Also in the course outline it says in the job-orientated analysis
to use an interview, observation or critical incident approach - what exactly is required for this? Lastly would it
be possible for you to upload the feedback sheet so we can see how we will be graded.
I apologise if these questions appear to be simple and straight forward, however I feel it would be best to have
them answered before I get to far in and find out to be off the right track.
Thank you in advance.
Re: Questions for A1
by Gerry Treuren - Sunday, 22 March 2015, 7:05 PM
Hi AnonyStudent ,
First of all, please feel free to ask whatever questions that need to be asked.
(i) Question: I am slightly confused with the templates and their relevance to the assignment. Is it expected that
we complete the templates for both job-orientated and competency-based analysis as part of the assignment?
Answer: The templates are a guide for how to carry out the job analysis. If you want to use the templates, feel
free to edit the word documents. If you have a better way of doing the job analysis, then do it that way.
Yes, the assignment requires you do a job-oriented and a competency-based analysis, each leading to separate
job specifications and descriptions.
(ii) Question. Are these then to be submitted as part of our word count, or do we then need to write an additional
1000 words to write a position description and job specification.
Answer. All the courses of the University have to conform to the requirements of a database called the Program
and Course Management System (PCMS). Among other things, all assessment items are required to have a word
length, regardless of the format of the assessment. So, an assignment like this, which is based on a set of tasks
that can be written mainly through a series of templates and forms, will be listed on the system as being the
equivalent 1000 words long. Please, take it from me, as the course coordinator and the marker of the
assignments, this is how I will interpret the 1500 words requirement.
Please note: in the case of this assignment, if you can complete the templates (or an approach of your design),
attach the various working papers to the final assignment all collated as a word document, and submit that, I will
deem it to meet the word limit requirements. I will however mark on the basis on the basis of the quality of the
(iii) Question. Also in the course outline it says in the job-orientated analysis to use an interview, observation or
critical incident approach - what exactly is required for this?
Answer. This relates to the way that you obtain information about the content of the job. You will see a
reasonably long discussion in the various readings about the different ways you can obtain information about the
job. Some are too complicated or technical for the purposes of this assignment; in professional practice, the
three techniques I have highlighted are the ones most commonly used and also the most straightforward. In
essence, these approaches either require you to ask someone about all about their job, or to watch them do their
job or both.
11. Competency Based Job Analysis
by AnonyStudent - Wednesday, 25 March 2015, 10:00 PM
Hi Gerry,
When using the Competency based Job Analysis information sheet that you have provided, would you get a
superior to fill out this form; or would you fill it out yourself based on what you believe the organisation would
want/need in the job? In my case, working in hospitality, i was thinking of having my venue manager fill out the
competency based job analysis sheet.
Re: Competency Based Job Analysis
by Gerry Treuren - Thursday, 26 March 2015, 4:37 PM
Hi AnonyStudent
Good question.
Yes, you could get your supervisor to provide you information about the job. It is always better to get more
information about a role and an organization's wishes for that role, from multiple sources.
You are strongly encouraged to make very clear what you are looking for. It cannot be assumed that one's
supervisor - and this is not a comment about your supervisor - will have the perspective you are looking for, and
may not even be aware of the things you are looking for.
You are also encouraged to treat this additional evidence as a supplement to your evidence.
12. Job description and specification documents
by AnonyStudent - Monday, 23 March 2015, 4:56 PM
I am unsure as to the difference between the job-oriented and competency-oriented job description and
specification documents. How do we differentiate between them as it asks the same questions for the same job,
so wont both documents be identical? I am a bit confused by this so could you please explain how to make the
two documents different?
Thanks, I hope this makes sense!
Re: Job description and specification documents
by Gerry Treuren - Monday, 23 March 2015, 9:01 PM
Hi AnonyStudent
Good and useful question, because it requires us to clarify the practical differences between the two approaches
to job analysis.
The two approaches are – effectively – the same except for one respect: how you identify what the job is about.
In the job-oriented approach, you are looking to the existing job to identify the characteristics of the job. You
use that data to build up the job analysis.
In the competency based approach, you are looking at what the organisation needs to achieve out of the job.
This is what shapes the specification of the job, not what the (existing) job actually involves.
So, putting this together. In both approaches you use the same process except that in one, you look at the job and
use that data to define it; in the other approach, your job is defined by what the organisation needs from it…
13. Re: Job description and specification documents
by AnonyStudent - Wednesday, 25 March 2015, 3:14 PM
I have just noticed that on the competency based job analysis following question 7 it says "other useful data to
collect" everything after this sub heading is identical to that in the job orientated job analysis. Does this mean
we don't have to complete the info following on the competency based analysis as it will all be the repetitive, or
once again do we try to look at it from a different perspective?
Thank you,
Re: Job description and specification documents
by Gerry Treuren - Wednesday, 25 March 2015, 4:31 PM
Hi AnonyStudent ,
Just double checking...you do know you are submitting two job descriptions (one for the job-oriented and one
for the competency-based) and two job specifications, don't you?
Not sure how clear it is yet, but the two approaches - although conceptually very different - require a similar
approach. Hence the similarity in the information sheets.
The two approaches differ in how you identify what the job needs. Job-oriented approaches go one way,
competency - another way. Both need KSAOs to ensure the capability to do the job exists...
If people want, we can talk about this in Thursday night's class and in the tutorial next week.
14. More assignment 1 questions and answers...
by Gerry Treuren - Sunday, 22 March 2015, 7:26 PM
1. Question. First of all I wanted to know if it would be appropriate to complete the
assignment on an analysis of a nursing job?
Answer. This would be a great job to look at.
2. Question. My next questions is concerned with the layout of the assignment. I have
downloaded the templates and information sheets you have kindly posted for us students
however, our we allowed to use these guidelines and questions for our own assignment? Or
do we have to create our own templates/questions etc?
Answer. You can use the templates or you can make up your own. Your choice.
3. Question. Lastly I was wondering whether or not we had to include any
theories/definitions/references for any part of it?
Answer. Will you need to draw on facts, evidence, theories, etc that are not entirely your own
in order to complete the assignment? If so, you will need to acknowledge the source.
15. Can we use the job we are currently in?
by Gerry Treuren - Wednesday, 18 March 2015, 5:27 PM
AnonyStudent asks '...but could we do the job that we are currently in?'
Yes, you are in a good position to analyse that job.
16. How many references must I use?
No minimum number. Only as many as you need to acknowledge the source of information
and ideas that you rely upon in your paper.
17. Is this a report or an essay?
This paper requires you to provide a report that contains the various information sheets, task
statements, as well as the position description and job specification, from the job-oriented and
competency perspectives, as well as a summary of what you have done. Obviously, you
would want a summary at the beginning of the paper, and the attachments at the end.
18. Do I need to attach feedback sheet to the assignment?
No, adding the feedback sheet is completely unnecessary, and adds nothing to the paper.
Actually, it is annoying to at least one of the markers of this paper.
19. Can I submit my assignment as a PDF?
No. The submission site has been set to NOT ALLOW the submission of PDFs.
20. As the assignment will be screened through turnitin, should I
panic when the score is very high the second or more times I resubmit
the assignment?
One of the features of the model submission software is that it allows you to resubmit an
assignment as many times as you like until the closing time. The current record is 7
resubmissions. Each time you submit the assignment the paper is resubmitted to turnitin. One
of the second time you submit, the revised paper is compared against the previous
submission, and as a result, you will have a very big score. Don’t worry. The teaching staff
will not initiate plagiarism proceedings in such a circumstance - we will be able to tell that
the high match rate was because your paper was compared against a previous version.
21. Do I have to attach any transcripts of any interviews?
The competency-based and job-oriented approaches seem very similar. Why do I have to do
Yes, superficially, the two approaches LOOK similar. But if you look more closely, you will
see a fundamental difference, that has big implications for the organisations in its design of
jobs and work processes, and for the recruitment and selection process. Figure out the
22. Do I really need to answer the set question?
Yes, you are awarded marks according to how well you answer the set question.
We have had a growing number of students in the last few years who believe that you don’t
need to answer the set question.
Such students typically get awarded marks like F1, F2 (and P2 if they do something amazing
while not answering the actual question). One particularly silly student wanted a remark,
even though (i) he forgot to complete the bit of the assignment that involved position
description and job specification; and (ii) completely missed the competency-based part of
the assignment. Please do not be that student. Read the question.
23. So, what should I submit?
You need to submit a summary that explains what you did and what you ended up with.
That is not really more than one or two pages. And then you need to attach the relevant
documents: completed information sheets, task statements, etc, and job description and
job specification.
24. Do I HAVE to attach the feedback sheet to the assignment?
The answer is elsewhere in this FAQ. If you include the feedback sheet, the marker may
tease you for missing this item in the FAQ twice.
25. Competencies/Attributes
by Anonystudent - Friday, 1 April 2016, 3:26 PM
Hi Gerry,
I'm a bit confused as to how to go from identifying the Organisations goals and
converting these into the competencies or attributes in Q6 of the Competency based info
More specifically the instruction to use the 'great eight' attributes in each task
1 - do we need to use these or are they a guide to the types of words to be using? As im
finding it difficult to apply them to the position I have chosen.
2 - in this question - are competencies, attributes and task statements all meaning the
same thing?
Any clarification you can provide would be great,
Re: Competencies/Attributes
by Gerry Treuren - Saturday, 2 April 2016, 12:43 PM
Hi Anony,
1/ Those eight, according to the researchers cited in the text, appear most of the time in
attempts to specify the competency. Those eight are words that describe the active
work of the job - the verbs that connect the outcome of the employee's work with the
input available to the employee.
However, if your job does not involve people leading (such as 'leading a workgroup to
achieve high levels of customer service') or supporting (Providing support to the unit
manager in achieving the business unit's performance goals), etc...or presenting or
analyzing or creating or organising or adapting or performing....then use other
descriptive verbs.
2/ A competency is what the person does, in broad, abstract terms. An attribute is an
aspect of what a person needs to be able to demonstrate a competency. A task
statement is what they specifically do, in more direct, immediate terms. A competency is
broader and more general than a task statement.
26. What is the question I should be answering?
by AnonyStudent - Friday, 1 April 2016, 9:29 AM
Q. The FAQ also talks about answering the question directly, however I am not sure what the
actual question is. i cant find one stated on the course outline or in the information on any
A. You will answer the question by submitting an answer that meets the requirements
contained with the following sentences from the Assignment 1 bit of the Course Outline:
'Find a job that you can subject to job analysis.
Analyse the job in two ways (job oriented and competency-oriented) and write appropriate
position description and job specifications for each. In the job-oriented analysis use either an
interview, observation or critical incident approach.
You will need to submit the job analysis documents as well as the position description and job
specifications, in a clear, logical document that can be easily read by a manager who does not
have any familiarity with HR.'
THAT is the question.
Why do I make a fuss about this? Amazingly, some students have, in the past, submitted
assignments that miss the competency bit, or the position description, or submit position
descriptions without any explanation of how the job was analysed, etc. Us markers cannot give
marks for answers that we cannot see; or for answers to OTHER questions.
27. 1500 words? What is included in the 1500 words?
by Gerry Treuren - Friday, 1 April 2016, 9:25 AM
Q. I'm slightly confused as to what i should actually be including in my assignment and where the 1500 words
comes from. My understanding is that we include the sheets provided (information sheets, task statements and
job description and specification) for both job-orientated and competency-orientated in the assignment in the
appendix and will not count towards the word count.
A. The submission of the completed forms + the summary is deemed to be equal to 1500 words, subject to the
following condition: the summary is no longer than 1500 words.
28. Importance of Task Ratings
by AnonyStudent - Tuesday, 29 March 2016, 11:21 PM
Hi Gerry,
Following the example job requirement matrix in the text book, it list a task importance rating
for the nature of the KSAOs and not for the specific tasks? I assume this is correct however I
wanted to check anyhow.
Thank you,
Re: Importance of Task Ratings
by Gerry Treuren - Wednesday, 30 March 2016, 12:05 AM
Yes, you could add that level of detail if you wanted...it certainly would be a good guide to
those doing the selection on the relative importance of the various components of the
KSAOs. gerry
29. % of time tasks performed & Task Dimensions
by AnonyStudent - Monday, 28 March 2016, 4:43 PM
Hi Gerry/fellow students,
Within the job analysis it asks us to allocate a % of time spent on task.
I was wondering whether the percentage has to add up to 100% for all of the tasks which we have? The reason I
ask is that the role which I have analysed has tasks which sometimes overlap each other during the day.
Also, I am having trouble categorising my tasks into task dimensions. I have consulted the FAQ and the
textbook but am unable to determine how this should be done correctly. Are you able to provide any assistance
with this please?
Thanks for your clarification!
Re: % of time tasks performed & Task Dimensions - % of tasks,,,
by Gerry Treuren - Monday, 28 March 2016, 8:22 PM
Hi Anony,
The purpose of giving the % for tasks is to identify the relative importance of the various tasks. Some tasks are
more important than others. Some tasks are clearly more important for the job and take more time.
An example: a taxi-driver, for example, would spend most of their time driving (or waiting to drive), so you
might expect the task 'Driving' to represent 70 or 80%. There is also a need to provide day-to-day maintenance,
but that is likely to take less time - say 10%. Writing up the log book, during and after the shift might make up
These tasks statements might add up to 100%. Of course you could make them add up to 100% for the purposes
of the exercise, but that is not really the point of the exercise.
You will probably find that you can explain about 80 or 90% of the job. The remainder could be wrapped up
into 'And any other duties as directed.' Or you could find the tasks statements add up to more than 100%,
because of overlap.
So, how to treat the overlap? I'd list the two together as distinct tasks within a broader task, and report the
overall %. But I would not agonise over this. The real issue is to understand and describe the position, so that
you identify the KSAOs needed for the job, so you can have a sensible way to recruit, select, train and
performance manage the employee, not to worry about the smaller details.
30. Task dimensions
by Gerry Treuren - Monday, 28 March 2016, 8:44 PM
Hi Anony,
For some jobs you will see that the task statements can be grouped into 'types' of activities', that
reflect broad purposes or activities that are at a higher level of generality than task statements.
Consider job analysing the work of an office manager. Some of the tasks statements could fit
under a number of broad classifications, like:
(i) 'record management', which might contain a task statements like: 'filing invoices, quotes, and
timesheets', 'updating the computer database'.
(ii) General administration, which could include task statements like: 'handling accounts for the
business', 'organising rosters and leave arrangements', etc.
(iii) HR: 'filing vacancies', handling payroll', 'managing performance reviews'
See how the task dimensions bundle similar tasks statements.
Not sure if there is a correct way of doing this. If you see a pattern in the task statements, use
that to identify the task dimensions.
(And no, the markers will not be too anxious or fussy over task dimensions).
31. How many task statements?
by Gerry Treuren - Saturday, 26 March 2016, 5:23 PM
Each task statement corresponds to the a discrete activity done by the job. Some jobs involve lots of tasks, and
thus need multiple task statements. Some have few tasks, and thus few task statements.
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