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  •  FOUNDATIONS OF  MANAGEMENT  拉筹伯 assignment 代写

                                                                                                                          La Trobe Business School
                                                                                                                        Subject Learning Guide
    Wk 0823 2017
    Subject Coordinator: Ms Nicole El Haber 
    Instance Coordinators
    ECNU China: Ms. Song Yuan


    Table of Contents

    SUBJECT DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                                                       3

    GENERAL DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                                                 3
    ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                                                                                          3
    SUBJECT DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                                       3
    SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOS)                                                                                                                                3
    GRADUATE CAPABILITIES                                                                                                                                                                                  3
    LEARNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                                      4
    ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                   4
    STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY                                                                                                                                                  4
    STUDENT FEEDBACK                                                                                                                                                                                            4

    POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES                                                                                                                                                            5

    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY                                                                                                                                                                                         5
    SPECIAL CONSIDERATION                                                                                                                                                                                 5
    EXTENSIONS, LATE SUBMISSIONS AND PENALTIES                                                                                                                                 5
    RESULTS, REVIEWS AND RE‐MARKS                                                                                                                                                              5
    LEARNING ACTIVITY DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                           6

    SCHEDULE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES                                                                                                                                                                     6

    SESSION PLAN                                                                                                                                                                                                       6
    STUDENT LEARNING UNIT (SL)                                                                                                                                                                        7
    LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS)                                                                                                                                                   7
    LIBRARY                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7
    STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES                                                                                                                                                                          7
    PEER LEARNING ADVISERS                                                                                                                                                                                7
    RESOURCES ‐ COLLEGE/SCHOOL/DISCIPLINE‐SPECIFIC INFORMATION                                                                                          7
    ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                  8

    Subject Details

    Subject Code: MGT1FOM Subject Title: Foundations of management  
    Teaching Period: Wk 0823 2017 Location(s): ECNU China  
    Credit Points: 15CP Mode: Blended mode Level: Undergraduate
    Prerequisites: N/A
    Co‐requisites: N/A
    Incompatibles: N/A
    Assumed Skills & Knowledge: N/A
    Special Study Requirements: N/A
    STAFF CONTACTS          
    Role             Campus Name Email Telephone Room
    Subject Coordinator Melbourne Nicole El Haber 03 94793128  MARB 363a
    Instance Coordinator China Ms. Song Yuan    
    This subject provides an introduction to the management of organisations. It provides an understanding of the fundamental concepts and relevant issues relating to the management of firms operating in the modern Australian and global business environment. The relationship between management theory, practice and organisational performance will be explored within the context of both individual effect and organisational outcomes.
    Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to:
    1 Explain the intellectual foundation of the study and practice of management, and its evolution since the industrial revolution
    2 Explain, apply and critically evaluate the theories, principles and concepts that guide the effective management of modern organisations.
    3 Explain the framework for the interaction of organisations and the environment
    4 Identify and describe the challenges faced by managers in Australian organisations and suggest effective solutions to address these problems
    The following Graduate Capabilities are evaluated in this subject:  
      FGC Level of Instruction
    a Writing Reinforcement
    b Teamwork including leadership and working in groups Introduction
    c Inquiry/Research Introduction
    d Critical thinking Introduction
    e Creative Problem solving Introduction
    Learning Activity: Schedule
    Online lectures/activities. 
    Before attending the weekly 2 hour seminars, students are required to complete all the online learning activities available on LMS.  This includes the online lectures and any associated online materials and homework tasks.
    Weeks 1‐12
    Face to face workshops (2 hours per week) Weeks 1‐12
    Further information is available at
    Assessment Tasks: Due Date % SILOs FGCs Comments
    1.     Critical reflection exercises Tuesday 30th August at
    30% 6 a,c,d To be submitted via Turnitin in the LMS link provided
    2.     Individual Essay Tuesday 4th October at 9am 30% 1,2,5,
    a,b,c, d To be submitted via Turnitin in the LMS link provided
    3.     Final Examination University
    Examination period
    40% 3,5,6 a,d,e Students should check the
    University Examination
    Reading Type Title Author and Year Publisher ISBN
    Prescribed Textbook
    Foundations of
    Foundations of
    La Trobe University
    La Trobe University (2016)
    McGraw Hill
    The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. The surveys are anonymous and will be distributed prior to the end of the teaching period.
     FOUNDATIONS OF  MANAGEMENT  拉筹伯 assignment 代写

    Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

    The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere.  You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following:
    •       Academic Integrity
    •       Academic Progress
    •       Assessment and Feedback
    •       Extension to Submission Dates
    •       Late Submission of Assessment Tasks
    •       Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS]
    •       Privacy
    •       Special Consideration
    •       Student Charter
    •       Use of Electronic Mail
    The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at:

    Academic Integrity

    Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship.  La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract:
    Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) 
    Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating.  You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at:‐integrity.
    For assistance with referencing visit‐integrity/referencing‐help

    Special Consideration

    Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account.
    Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it.  Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration.
    Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:‐consideration

    Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties

    There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time.
    Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:‐submission‐ofassessment‐tasks‐policy.pdf
    Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid‐semester tests and final examinations should be made online at:‐consideration

    Results, reviews and re‐marks

    If you believe your assessment task has been marked incorrectly you may request a review of your marks.
    Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at:
    Learning Activity Details

    Schedule of Learning Activities

    Session Plan
    Wk. Topic Assessments due        Resources dates Information Literacy learning materials
    1 Introduction   The challenge of Management.  
    2 Managing for efficiency
    and control:  Scientific
      The rise of the factory System
    3 Managing complexity:  Bureaucracy   Bureaucracy, Rationalization and Organisation Theory  
    4 Managing people:  The
    human relations movement
      The Human Organisation  
    5 Fordism and lean production   Emerging Organisational Forms: Beyond Fordism  
    6 Contingency Theory Critical Reflection Exercise due Reading  
    7 Changing structure of work   Designing Organisational
    8 Teams    Effective Team Management
    9 Culture   Organisational Culture, structure and Design: building blocks of the organisation & Emerging Organisational Paradigms:
    Postbureacracy, Culture and Knowledge
    10 Disadvantaged and precarious workers Essay Due Workforce Diversity in Australia and Equity and Diversity within organisations: Putting policy into practice.  
    11 The future of work   Reading
    12 Preparation for exam   No Reading  

    Student Learning Unit (SL)

    The Student Learning Unit (SL) works closely with teaching staff in the Schools and on the Melbourne and regional campuses to ensure that all La Trobe students – including those from non‐English‐speaking backgrounds – develop high‐level academic speaking, writing, reading, and numeracy skills required for successful learning in their courses.  For further information, please see the website at:

    Learning Management System (LMS)

    The Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet based system which allows you access to learning materials and to interact with other students and teaching staff in activities related to your studies from any location with Internet access.  Most subjects have a LMS site into which you are automatically added as part of your enrolment into the subject.
    The LMS can be accessed at: by using your Username and Password provided to you on your Statement of Account.  If you are having trouble accessing the LMS or want to find out more about LMS, please see the website at:


    The Library has many valuable physical and online learning resources that can help you with your study. On campus students should get to know the physical Library environment by going on a Library Tour.  All students should get familiar with the Library website where online resources include:
    •       LibGuides [] – providing specific discipline and subject guides; 
    •       LibSkills [] – to teach you library research and information literacy skills;
    •       LibChat [] ‐ a library discussion forum allowing you to chat with a Librarian;
    •       Academic Referencing Modules [] – to assist you to understand specific referencing styles;
    •       Academic Referencing Tool [‐flash/index.php] – providing detailed referencing examples; and,
    •       Assignment Calculator [‐thesis‐support] – to assist you in time managing your assignments and submitting on time.

    Student Support Services

    If you have special needs due to disability or other factors the Equality and Diversity Centre can provide advice and support.  This Centre can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9479 2900 (Melbourne); (03) 5444 7410 (Bendigo); (02) 6024 9628 (Albury‐Wodonga); National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired:  T: 133677 (within Australia only). refer to the website at:

    Peer Learning Advisers

    Peer Learning Advisers (PLAs) are successful and experienced students who are trained to assist fellow students. PLAs are located in the library and can assist students with a range of inquiries. For more information refer to the website at:‐andtraining/ask‐a‐pla?src=stu
    Resources ‐ College/School/Discipline‐specific information

    Assessment and Feedback Details

    Assessment Task  One : Critical Reflection                                                      Due Date   %            SILOs Assessed
    4 Critical Reflection Exercises Tuesday 30th August at 9am 30% 1,2
    Submission Details
    Submission via Turnitin on LMS
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    Refer to page 9
    Description of Task
    Please answer all the following questions based on Weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5 and submit your answers through Turnitin by Tuesday 12th at 9am.
    Answers to each question should be around 250‐300 words. Please use your textbook and journal articles to support your answers.
    1.        On page 49 there is a quote from Bendix that defines "managerial ideology." Dissect the meaning of this quote and state the meaning of managerial ideology in your own words (as if you were explaining it to someone else). Which of Morgan's metaphors is most closely associated with this concept?
    2.        Rational‐bureaucratic organizations are supposed to develop the best means to achieve their goals. Based on your reading of Chapter 5, what would you say are some of the obstacles to making the "best" decisions about ways to reach a goal or solve a problem? Do some organizations have a more difficult time with this than others? What kinds of goals or problems do they deal with?
    3.        Do you think the term used by Barnard ‐‐ "common moral purpose" ‐‐ is a good way to describe what happens in work organizations? Why or why not?
    4.        The transformation of organizational forms has given rise to a variety of paradoxical demands. For example, organizations want to achieve both economies of scale and economies of scope; they want to specialize yet be flexible. What do each of these separate demands mean for organizing and managing? Why they all are desired? How can they peacefully co‐exist?
    Assessment Task  Two: INDIVIDUAL ESSAY                                        Due Date                                                %               SILOs Assessed
    Individual Essay (1500 words) Tuesday 4th October 30% 3,4
    Submission Details
    Submission via LMS through Turnitin.
    Grading Criteria and Feedback
    Refer to page 10
    Description of Task
    Write a response to the following essay question:
    ‘There is only one best way to manage’.
    Discuss, with reference to the key theoretical contributions and academic studies in this area.
    Assessment Task Three:  Exam Due Date % SILOs Assessed
    Examination (2 hours) University Examination period 40% 1,2,3,4
    Submission Details      
    Examinations will be held during the University Examination Period      
    Description of Task      
    Answer 4 out of 6 essay questions, each worth 10 marks.      
    Grading Criteria Assessment Task 1: Critical Reflections Exercises (30%)
    Criteria Standard Exceeded  Standard met  Standard not met  Marks
    Clarity A very clear understanding of one’s own thinking and learning processes by examining openly own experiences and clearly articulating the diversity of opinions within the group.  An understanding of one’s own thinking and learning processes by examining openly own experiences and with some articulation of the diversity of opinions within the group. 
    No clear understanding of one’s own thinking and learning processes by examining openly own experiences and no
    articulation of the diversity of
    opinions within the group. 
    Relevance Consistently relates to the reflection questions provided and cites examples from the process of groupwork.  Occasionally relates to the reflection questions provided and cites some examples from the process of groupwork. Reflection does not relate to the questions provided and provides no examples from the process of groupwork.  
    Expression Expresses opinions and ideas in a clear manner with obvious connection to the topic  Opinions and ideas are stated clearly with occasional lack of connection to the topic Does not express opinions and ideas clearly and no connection to the topic  
    Comments                                                                                                                                                                                                               /30 

     Grading Criteria Assessment Task 2: Individual Essay (30%)
    Criteria Excellent (A 80‐100%) Very Good (B 70‐79%) Good (C 60‐69%) Pass (D 50‐59%) Fail (N 0‐49%)       Marks
    Authoritative use of management concepts in the essay. Clearly states the purpose, assertion, arguments and findings, and supports this with evidence in a sustained and logical fashion.  Proficient use of management concepts in essay and orders ideas in a structured and sequenced fashion, aimed at making a central argument or assertion.  Competent use of management concepts in essay Contains many relevant ideas, and attempts to structure them in a coherent manner. Limited use of appropriate management in essay. Contains some relevant ideas, but is unable to relate them in an organised manner.  Contains little or no meaningful information relating to the task, and makes no attempt to produce an organised response to the task.  
    Location, selection and use of information (evidence and citation)
    Locates, evaluates and integrates a range of relevant information (or data) into the construction of a response to the task, and uses the discipline sanctioned Harvard Referencing Style at referencing‐tool/harvardto cite sources in a timely and appropriate fashion.
    Locates and synthesises a range of relevant information (or data) to inform the response to the task, and uses the discipline sanctioned Harvard Referencing Style at u/referencing‐tool/harvardto cite sources in a timely and appropriate fashion. Uses a range of prescribed information sources (or data) to inform the response to the task, and uses the discipline
    sanctioned Harvard Referencing Style at u/referencing‐tool/harvardto cite sources in a timely and appropriate fashion, but with some errors.
    The response to the task relies upon a narrow or partially relevant selection of information sources (or very limited data) and uses the discipline sanctioned Harvard Referencing Style at eferencing‐tool/harvardto cite sources in a timely and appropriate fashion, but with some errors Irrelevant sources and data selected to inform the response to the task, or used inappropriately, with little or no attribution.  
    Critical thinking
    Situates the problem or issue presented in within a management context or conceptual framework and draws supported conclusions from applying key management concepts to provide well justified solutions. Precisely identifies all relevant factors of the management problem presented and accurately applies management concepts to provide a possible solution. Correctly identifies many relevant factors of the management problem presented and attempts, with some inaccuracy, to apply management concepts to achieve a solution Correctly identifies some relevant factors of the management problem presented and attempts with some uncertainty to apply management concepts to achieve a feasible solution. Makes little or no attempt to separate the elements of the problem presented or to relate them to relevant management concepts.  
    COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     /30   
     FOUNDATIONS OF  MANAGEMENT  拉筹伯 assignment 代写