MGTS1601 Essay Guide organisational problems assignment 代写
MGTS1601 Essay Guide organisational problems assignment 代写
MGTS1601 Essay Guide Semester 2 2017
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MGTS1601 Individual Essay Guide
Assignment Task
Effective managers need to be able to identify and address issues and problems
that arise in organisational settings. Your assignment is to search the recent
scholarly literature in organisational behaviour and, based on the literature you
find, present an up-to-date view on a topic of your choice.
To complete the assignment, you will need first to choose one of the
organisational problems from the list on Blackboard. Then you will need to read
the scholarly literature to address the following questions:
1. What is the problem? Provide a concise summary of the problem itself,
based on your reading of the literature. Here you will need to discuss the
problem itself, e.g., who it affects, its prevalence in organisations, including
evidence and/or examples. You will also need to be able to describe how
the problem affects organisations and employees, using valid empirical
evidence (see marking rubric available at Blackboard). You also must
provide a range of views, including perspectives that counter your main
2. What can be done to solve this problem? Based on the content of the
articles you find in your literature review, identify two (at minimum) or three
alternative interventions aimed at resolving the problem, and justify a
preferred intervention. Here you must draw on evidence from the literature
again to build a convincing argument. Your evaluation should look at
risks and problems as well as the benefits associated with each
The learning objectives of the assignment are:
To deepen your understanding of a particular contemporary topic in
organisational behaviour.
To apply models and theories of organisational behaviour to solve an
organisational problem.
To develop skills in searching the scholarly literature to analyse and to solve
an organisational problem.
To develop skills in logically presenting evidence-based arguments drawn
from the contemporary organisational behaviour literature.
To further develop your written communication skills.
Starting out
We recommend that you begin work on your assignment early in the semester to
provide adequate time to complete the essay. If you are unsure, you should also
learn how to search the literature early in the semester.
In order to effectively address the essay task, you will need to undertake the
following activities:
MGTS1601 Essay Guide Semester 2 2017
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1) Review and synthesise academic research on your chosen topic. This
means read, read, read!
2) Write an analytical, evidence-based essay that addresses each of the
assignment sub-questions.
A series of guidelines are provided in the pages following to assist you in the
completion of these three broad activities. However, as a starting point, listed as
follows are a number of resources and scheduled learning activities that are
central to the completion of this assignment.
Make sure that you attend the Essay Lecture in Week 4 and tutorial in Week 5 of
the semester. These are very important learning activities and SHOULD NOT BE
1. Search the literature
Review your chosen organisational problem in depth through appropriate journal
articles. In particular, you are required to use at minimum six articles from journals
on the Australian Business Deans’ Council (ABDC) FoR Code 1503 List, which is
available on Blackboard. Each of these articles must have a publication date
between 2002 and 2017. If you are unsure of how to search for academic
journal articles, please review the UQ Library guide on searching electronic
databases 1 . The better search engines for organisational behaviour/industrial
psychology/ management are:
CSA Illumina (Social Sciences)
As you review articles that are relevant to the topic, start taking notes. As you go,
make sure that you use at least six articles with a publication date between 2002
and 2017 from journals on the ABDC FoR Code 1503 List, otherwise your
assignment mark will be limited to no more than 14.5/30.
Please note that the date above does not refer to when the journal itself was
established (as in the ABDC list). Instead, you must cite articles with a publication
date between 2002 and 2017.
2. Establish your understanding of the problem
The essay task is designed to help you understand a particular organisational
problem in depth. Therefore your essay needs to capture the depth and scope
of the organisational problem. This should include insights about the boundaries,
and who, or what is affected by the problem, including key stakeholders.
MGTS1601 Essay Guide Semester 2 2017
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3. Write your essay
Your response to the assignment questions must be formulated as an academic
essay with a clear introduction, main body and conclusion (see marking rubric for
specific content to include in each section). Please refer to the UQBS Assignment
Writing Guide (available on Blackboard) for guidance and advice on essay
As an individual, you will know the best way to get yourself motivated to work.
Writing is an iterative process; you will write, revise, and write again. The more you
read over your drafts and improve them, the better the mark you are likely to get.
Keep in mind that the essay requires:
demonstrating your knowledge of the topic
demonstrating your analytical skills (ability to apply knowledge and theory
to analyse the research and your organisational problem)
supporting your analysis and key points with evidence and examples.
a MINIMUM of six articles published between 2002 and 2017 from journals
on the ABDC FoR Code 1503 List. Once you have met this criterion, you
are free to use any other sources from any other time period. Better
assignments will use an even greater number of sources (e.g., 12-15) and
integrate higher quality evidence to build a stronger argument.
all sources must be cited correctly and your Reference List formatted
according to Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) style (see the
guide available on Blackboard).
When you write your essay, ensure you address the criteria in the marking rubric
(see Blackboard).
Remember to support any claims that you make. If you talk about a theory,
provide the citation to that theory. Avoid the use of speculation and conjecture
as this tends to detract from the scientific approach required for the essay.
Also ensure that all works cited are correctly referenced to the appropriate
sources. We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE “cutting and pasting” and then then simply
changing the words around, as this constitutes plagiarism. We encourage you to
read widely and then spend time carefully rephrasing authors’ arguments in your
MGTS1601 Essay Guide organisational problems assignment 代写quotation marks and include the correct source and page number. You should
an excessive number of quotations will not be considered your own work.
An optional “Practice” Turnitin link will be provided at Blackboard so that you can
see your similarity percentage prior to submitting the final version of your essay.
Please note that you should submit to this link at least 72 hours prior to the essay
submission deadline, as Turnitin reports are not always generated immediately.
If you require general assistance with writing or structuring your essay, please visit
the link below to enroll for workshops and/or individual assistance from Student
Services. Please note that this is NOT a proof-reading service.
MGTS1601 Essay Guide Semester 2 2017
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4. Polish your essay
Remember that the first draft often allows you to improve a lot. In other words,
keep refining and working on the essay after you’ve produced the first version.
Refer to the marking rubric on Blackboard between reviewing drafts to see where
you can improve. Ensure your essay is within the word limit before finalising (+/-
10%). The word limit excludes references and appendices (note: long
appendices may not be read in detail). However, in-text citations are still included
in the word count.
5. Submit your assignment:
MGTS1601 Essay Guide organisational problems assignment 代写
Your assignment is due Wednesday October 4 at 4:00pm.
You must submit your assignment online through the Assessment link on
Blackboard. Here you will need to include:
1. Assignment title page with your name, student number, essay topic and
word count
2. Essay (page numbered)
3. Reference list
DO NOT INCLUDE a UQBS Assignment Coversheet.
Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted your essay
Please be aware that all essays will be checked for plagiarism via Turnitin and all
instances of plagiarism will be managed according to University of Queensland
policies and procedures on Student Plagiarism. Please note that even
unintentional cases of plagiarism (e.g., failing to include page numbers when
quoting a source) will be managed according to this policy.
MGTS1601 Essay Guide Semester 2 2017
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MGTS1601 Individual Essay Checklist
Before submitting your assignment, ensure that it complies with the following
12-point Times New Roman font and double line spaced
Proof-read for spelling, typographical and grammatical errors
Margins are 2.5cm on all sides
Citations and reference list are in Academy of Management Journal
(AMJ) style and alphabetized by first author
Essay is 1500 words (+/- 10%)
The Introduction includes a clear definition of the problem using a valid
peer-reviewed source, an explanation of why it is a problem for
organisations, a statement about your preferred intervention, and
statement about how your essay is structured
The discussion must be supported by at least 6 articles with a
publication date between 2002 and 2017 from the ABDC FoR
Code 1503 List on Blackboard to be awarded a grade of 4
The Conclusion includes a clear summary of your essay, including
mention of your preferred intervention and lessons learnt
Go through marking rubric and make sure you have effectively
satisfied all the criteria listed
Navigate to the Assessment area of Blackboard and click on the
Individual Essay folder. Once you are there, upload your essay to the
Individual Essay Assignment Final link well before the due date and
time. Please note that a paper copy is NOT required.
MGTS1601 Essay Guide organisational problems assignment 代写