Students are required to submit a 2000 word essay (+ or - 10%) that shows their
understanding of the processes of global fashion.
Students will be provided with a generic template that incorporates the use of cross discipline
or online multimedia.
What are relevent issues that involve the ethics of fashion? (300 words approx)
What is the impact of fashion law upon the global business of fashion? (300 words approx)
Assessment One - Global Fashion: An Overview will be assessed against the following
§ does not have a resubmission provision
Global Fashion
1621QCA Week 3
Global Fashion Industry
NaDonal Fashion System
Global Fashion System
1621QCA Week 3
The Fashion Industry
• What is the fashion industry?
• Local fashion industries?
• Global Fashion Industries?
• RegulaDon into fashion system
1621QCA Week 3
The Fashion Industry
A Manufacturing System
A CreaDve System
A Managerial System
A CommunicaDon System
From page 206 in your textbook, can you elaborate on these?
Manufacturers (VerDcal Producers)
• Produces and purchases materials
• The purchase or commissions of designs
• Large-scale factories
• Small, arDsanal enterprises (custom tailors, couture specialists,
subcontracted finishers)
CreaDve System
• Designs the product
1621QCAunderstanding of the processes of global fashion代写
• Produces merchandising and promoDon
• Underpins consumer tastes
Managerial System
• Organises and controls coordinated stages of sourcing, manufacturing,
distribuDng apparel
CommunicaDon System
• Produces product informaDon
• AdverDsing of apparel
• A6racts customers
• Fashion Shows
Roles in the fashion industry- supply chain – p207
• Designer – designs items of apparel
• Grader – determines pa6ern sizing
• Merchandiser – undertakes market research into future style and trends, drawing on
fashion forecasts
• Buyer – selects and places orders for stock on behalf of the retailer
• PR Department – markeDng and promoDon department that organises promoDonal
material as well as liaising with the public
• AdverDsing department – responsible for developing promoDonal campaigns and
product adverDsements
• Sales person – employee whose job is to sell fashion merchandise by informing and
assisDng customers
• Store manager – employer with responsibility for overseeing stock levels of
merchandise as well as supervising staff and monitoring sales figures and turnover
• Controller – manager of the financial organisaDon of the retailer
1621QCA Week 3
Fashion ForecasDng
How to be a designer
pg220 - 225
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
Steps in the produc;on of clothing- supply chain
• ProducDon of raw materials
• ProducDon of texDles
• Design Process –fashion designer
• Garment producDon
• Transport to market
• Retail distribuDon
• Visual merchandising and promoDon
• Sales
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
Country of Origin
Clothing requires a trade descrip;on with the name of the country in
which the goods were made or produced, and a true descrip;on of the
What cons;tutes a true descrip;on will vary according
to the goods
• A general guide is to provide a factual descripDon that will help inform
the consumer about the nature of the goods, for example, a descripDon
such as ‘100% co6on’ on a shirt, would be acceptable, provided that
descripDon is correct.
• The trade descripDon must be in the English language, in prominent and
legible characters, and on a principal label or brand affixed in a
prominent posiDon and in as permanent a manner as pracDcable to the
goods, or if affixture to the goods is impracDcable, to the coverings
containing the good
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
Import Duty Into Australia
Recap: What is the fashion system?
• Local
• Markets, retailers, local promoDons
• Na;onal
• NaDonal retailers, fashion weeks,
naDonal manufacturing
• Global
• Global fashion weeks, global retailers,
global manufacturing.
1621QCA Week 3
Why regulate?
• Tariffs protect local industry
• RegulaDons control quality standards
• Import duDes/taxes protect jobs
• RegulaDons protect brands and their
economic contribuDon to country
(80-90% of global counterfeits are made in
China. France loses 6 billion euros annually.)
1621QCA Week 3
Global Fashion Industry
NaDonal Fashion System
Global Fashion System
1621QCA Week 3
Counterfeit Product
1621QCA Week 3
1621QCA Week 3
Ques;ons for week three
• Choose a product and imagine/list the producDon
steps from raw materials to finished product (think
back to the four key parts/stages in the fashion
• Research the best geographic region for
manufacturing the product.
• EsDmate the retail price of the product – how will
you adverDse it?
1621QCA Week 3