代写 China Study Tour – SUIBE-FUDAN

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  • 2015 China Study Tour – SUIBE-FUDAN Assessment Topics
    1. Discuss and analyse the impact of President Nixon's visit to China in relation to the
    opening of China into the international trade arena. What was the impact of this visit
    on China? and what do you think is the legacy of this visit in relation to global politics
    and China's relationship with the USA in 2015.
    This is a historical, economic political academic question that will require wide
    reading, reflection, analyses and a personal opinion based on facts and the literature.
    A personal opinion can be delivered by the writer, but this opinion must be
    substantiated by the literature or primary data collection.
    2. China is a conglomeration of markets segmented by economic development,
    infrastructure, industrial priority, local culture, purchasing power and distribution.
    Discuss each of these 6 issues in a marketing context with relation to introducing
    Tiffany & Co and Pizza Hut into tier 3 and tier 4 cities in China. Select one tier 3 and
    one tier 4 city to introduce the above products into these markets. What will be the
    challenges and opportunities? A detailed SWOT analysis must be included in your
    This is a research report that will require a minimum of 15 academic references.
    Limited use of annual reports is permissible.
    3. Can China still keep its fast growth in the future, and for how many years? Discuss
    the following quote in relation to the lectures at both SUIBE and Fudan and your
    personal opinion, but this will need to be substantiated with references that either
    agree or disagree with your hypotheses.
    The second part of this research report will focus on “Can India overtake China”?
    This research report will require a minimum of 15 credible and timely references. The
    reference cannot be just websites, a breadth of reading must be relevant, thus
    academic journals, books, and electronic references must be evident.
    4. The relationship between social media, the internet and marketing is a phenomenon
    that has been utilised in various ways in China. First discuss this phenomenon in the
    Chinese context and the Western context. Discuss the comparison of the two
    This research report will require a minimum of 15 credible and timely references.
    5. Compare and contrast Chinese business etiquette with American business etiquette.
    In order to complete this assessment task you will need to read Gannon’s two
    chapters on China and the American football chapter. This report will need to make
    reference to, Hofstede, Tropenaard and of course Gannon.
    This research report will require a minimum of 15 credible and timely references.
    Note: the assessment for the above topics will be graded based on the program level, i.e. undergraduate or
    Note: please refer to the RMIT teaching and learning site for structure of a business research report.
    2015 Assessment Summary – Undergraduate – ISYS2382
    Name  % Length  Type  Topic  Due Date
    Individual Reflective Journal on
    China Study Tour - Pre -Tour
    10 2000-3000
    Individual Own experience

    代写 China Study Tour – SUIBE-FUDAN 
    Individual Reflective Journal on
    China Study Tour - Apres Tour
    15 2000-3000
    Individual  Own experience
    29 feb
    Individual SUIBE Assessment
    Task, topics attached.
    40 4500-6000
    Individual  Choose from topics
    31 march
    Individual Business Report  25 3000-3500
    Individual  Individual Choose
    from topics
    in course guide
    30 April
    Group Presentation  10 10-15
    2-5 people
    Guidelines: Check Course guide for details on expectation for each piece of assessment for UG.
    2015 Assessment Summary – Postgraduate – ISYS2383
    Name  % Length  Type  Topic  Due Date
    Individual Reflective Journal on
    China Study Tour - Pre -Tour
    10 2000-3000
    Individual Own experience
    Individual Reflective Journal on
    China Study Tour - Apres Tour
    15 2000-3000
    Individual Own experience
    29 feb
    Individual SUIBE Assessment
    Task , Topics attached.
    40 4500-6000
    Individual Choose from topics
    31 march
    Group Business Report
    (includes presentation 10-
    15minutes 5%)
    35 3500 – 5500
    group word
    of 2
    Group Design their
    own research
    report in a Chinese
    global context
    30 April
    Guidelines: Check Course guide for details on expectation for each piece of assessment for PG.
    Submit an electronic copy into Blackboard (learning hub) (except task 4 where
    - To find last semesters blackboard shell for the study tours, please click on “ >
    Previous semester's course registrations ” found at the bottom of the screen then click
    “ View All ”.
    代写 China Study Tour – SUIBE-FUDAN