代写 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain
代写 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain
BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain
WHS management systems
Presentation 1
Purpose of this presentation
At the end of this session, you should know how to:
determine the form, content, purposes and
functions of a WHSMS appropriate to the
organisation and its WHS risks
consult effectively with individuals and parties
about the form, content, purposes and functions
of a WHSMS and its implementation
facilitate agreement of individuals and parties to
implementing a WHSMS.
What is a WHSMS?
Standards Australia defines a WHSMS as:
That part of the overall management system which
includes organisational structure, planning
activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures,
processes and resources for developing,
implementing, achieving, reviewing, and
maintaining the OHS policy, and so managing the
risks of the organisation.
Organisational needs and
External motivators Internal motivators
legal obligations
securing compliance to
secure contracts
maintaining a positive
minimising risk of fines or
legal sanction.
industrial relations
illness and injury prevention
absenteeism and
financial impacts
professional ethics.
The principles of WHS management systems are:
• Culture, compliance, accountability, consultation, capacity
1. WHS policy and
• Hazard identification and control, contingency planning, setting
targets and performance indicators
2. Planning
• Resourcing, integration with other management systems work
schedules, assigning responsibilities, training, documentation and
3. Implementation
• Safety monitoring and auditing, reporting breeches
4. Measurement
and evaluation
• Management reporting, continuous improvement
代写 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain
5. Review and
Build support for the WHSMS
To effectively implement
and maintain the WHS
management system you
will need to:
communicate benefits
consult regularly to
involve as many people
as possible.
The next steps
You should now:
complete the self-paced activities in Section 1 of
your Student Workbook
read Section 2 of your Student Workbook before
the next session.
代写 BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain