ENGG1850 – Introduction to Project Management 代写
ENGG1850 – Introduction to Project Management 代写
ENGG1850 – Introduction to Project Management
Open Case Study (Group Assignment)
Presentation Due: Week 11 & 12 (in Tutorials)
Report Due: Week 13, 9 th June 2017 at 5:00pm AEST (Turnitin via eLearning)
Submission: Soft copies only. Submit via Turnitin link in eLearning
(all .docx, .mppx, .xlsx, etc. files zipped together in one .zip file)
Marks: 30% of Final Grade (20% for report and 10% for presentation)
1. Assignment Details
This is an open-ended assignment that requires you to develop a business case. You are required to consult with
your group members and decide upon a project that you will plan and develop but not necessarily manage. Try to
come up with a project that you are familiar with (perhaps that you are currently working on), have had experience
in or that you think is interesting. You may even source projects from the literature or past events and plan the
project in retrospect. For example, there are plenty of projects that have failed which make for an interesting case
study. In hindsight, its lessons-learnt makes a good case for project planning and management. Some examples
include the M4 Motorway Extension Project in Sydney, Apollo Space Shuttle Challenger project, the Rio
Olympics, or the Sydney Cross City Tunnel project that started in 2002 accruing debts of over $550 million.
Learning from its failure, you may decide to plan and manage the project even better.
Once the project is decided, your group needs to provide three deliverables:
1. Deliverable 1: Business case and scope statement (10 pages max – Times New Roman 10pt or 12pt font
2. Deliverable 2: Work Breakdown Structure
3. Deliverable 3: Effort Estimation, Project Network Diagram and Critical Path
Details of these deliverables are as follows.
2. Deliverable 1: Business Case
You need to explain briefly what this document is and why it has been produced.
2.1 Introduction
The introduction of the business case should also include:
n Identity of the client – that is, the organisation for whom the work is to be done
n Short description of your project – not more than 3 lines.
n Identity of the project authority – the person or persons with the organisation who will have
authority over the project’s direction.
2.1.1. Background
The background needs to include the following information:
n Relevant information about the organisation’s recent history, mission and goals
n Circumstances and problems leading to the currently proposed project work already carried out in
the area of the proposed project
n Stakeholders in the projects
2.1.2. Business Objectives
The business objectives must define what is to be achieved with this project and the method of measuring the
extent of that achievement. You should list and prioritise the objectives using a numbered list. Write the
objectives in such a way that, in principle, the client can assess the success or otherwise of the project by testing
the achievement of these objectives.
2.1.3. Critical Assumptions and Constraints
Identify and describe the critical constraints and assumptions of the project. These are conditions that you expect
or need to be in place in order for the project to succeed (see chapter 4). Examples may include:
n externally imposed time scales
n legal requirements
n specific standards
n limitations of the people who can be approached for information
2.1.4. Analysis of Options and Recommendations
In this section, you need to identify and describe at least three possible courses of action.
You can use a weighted Scoring Model (See Chapter 2), you should systematically weigh the options against a
prescribed set of criteria. You need to identify what you think is the most appropriate criteria and assign the
appropriate weightings based on the information from your project. If you make any assumptions, you must state
them in footnotes.
Based on the outcome of your weightings, you need to recommend one of the options and provide a justification
for the selection of that option.
2.1.5. Preliminary Project Requirements
In this section you need to list and briefly describe the high level requirements for your project. Note that this is
not your scope statement.
2.1.6. Preliminary Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
In this section you need to estimate the cost of the entire project. You may use an excel spreadsheet showing all
the tasks and estimated resource hours for completing the project. Complete this spreadsheet by factoring in the
cost of the various resources that will be assigned to the tasks. You may assume that you and your group members
are part of the project team. Once you have completed the spreadsheet, put in the final budget figure into the report
and state any assumptions you have made in your calculation.
Note: These figures will change once you start constructing your WBS, assign resources and duration to the tasks.
2.1.7. Schedule Estimate
The duration of the entire project and the time by which it should be completed.
2.1.8. Potential Risks
Document all potential risks that are both internal and external to the project using the following methodology.
n Risk Identification
Identify and describe the 5 biggest risks of the project, i.e. the things that can go wrong. For
example this may include unavailability of resources, unavailability of key client personnel and
technical problems.
n Risk Prioritisation
You need to establish a priority for each risk. As an example, you can allocate a probability rating
(1-10) and a seriousness of impact rating (1-10). Multiplying the two together gives an overall
score for priority purposes.
n Risk Mitigation
For each of the risks, you need to briefly describe the measures you will use to reduce the
likelihood of the risk occurring.
n Contingency Plan
For any one of your risks, please describe a contingency plan. These are predefined actions that
the project team will take if an identified risk occurs.
2.2 Scope Statement (3 pages)
A scope statement is a document used to develop and confirm a common understanding of the project
scope. It clearly defines the project characteristics and requirements and also lists the project and project
management deliverables (see chapter 6).
ENGG1850 – Introduction to Project Management 代写
3. Deliverable 2: Work Breakdown Structure
Prepare a suitable and professionally presented Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for your project with at most
50 work packages using a Gantt Chart. Remember one of the key reasons for a WBS is to communicate the
breakdown of work into tasks. Think about how you will achieve this in a professional, neat and presentable way.
Furthermore, in your group, consider carefully on what basis you will make your breakdown, and decide upon a
suitable level of ‘granularity’ for specifying the tasks. Too much or too little detail make management of the
project more difficult.
4. Deliverable 3: Effort Estimation, Network Diagram and Critical Path
Obtain an estimate of the expected effort (in total labour hours) for your project. You may use several estimation
methods found in the textbook or discussed in the lectures. You are also encouraged to do your own research here.
For instance, you will find that for information technology related projects, you may use several software project
estimation techniques such as COCOMO II, Component Matrix, etc. State clearly which method your group has
decided to use and give a brief justification. Include detailed working in your submission including any
assumptions which you found necessary to make.
Once the sequences of tasks (including predecessors and dependencies) in your WBS using MS Project is made,
you need to allocate resources, assign costs and enter the effort you estimated earlier for each task. Construct a
project network showing the critical path and milestones. You also need to produce a corresponding Gantt Chart
showing the critical path.
5. Writing Your Report
n You must use consistent and professional formatting styles.
n You need to have table contents showing at least the first two levels of headings.
n The appearance of your report must be professional, clean, and consistent from start to end.
n Please be concise, precise and succinct.
6. Assignment Guidelines
The following key points should be noted to be successful in this assignment:
1. Use of appropriate MS Project tools
a. Gantt Charts – showing clear WBS and realistic work packages with dependencies clearly
b. Network diagram
c. PERT (if applicable)
d. Critical Path
e. Resource allocation, listing and levelling
2. Financial Analysis
a. Some form quantitative analysis to justify project selection
3. Professionalism
a. Correct and consistent usage of templates and styles in final report document
b. Gantt Charts clearly and neatly laid out
c. Network diagrams produced and presented in an appropriately readable manner
4. The proposed project schedule and cost baseline need only be accurate to within an order of magnitude,
e.g., whether the project was expected to cost $ 5 million versus $ 500,000 or $ 50 million, not whether it
was expected to cost $ 5 million versus $ 5.1 million.
5. For WBS, ensure tasks are achievable and realistic – e.g. an item that requires 5,000 workers to clear a
small construction site in the time and budget allowances is unrealistic.
7. Confidential Peer Review (CPE)
There are three ways a CPE may be conducted for this assignment:
1. The use of the CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness) tool to assess team
member effectiveness as well as your own effectiveness. This will be web-based and you will be asked to
benchmark your team members as well as yourself against a number of performance dimensions,
including behaviour. The assessment you submit will be confidential and can only be accessed by the unit
2. The use of SPARKS Plus: This tool is very similar to CATME except that it is more powerful and will be
the likely option for CPE.
3. The use of the CPE form. This will be a paper-based/electronic form submission. Group members may
fill out a confidential peer review form and submit it on eLearning. In the form, you will be asked to
make a judgment of your own contribution in the group (e.g. 25%) as well as the contribution of other
members (e.g. 25% each) as a percentage of total group contribution (e.g. 100% for a group of 4
members). If all members within a group do not submit the CPE form, then it is assumed that all group
members contributed equally and fairly (I hope this ideal case applies to all groups!!). The CPE criteria
guide and the CPE form is available online in eLearning. All the best!
8. Text Matching Software
Please note, as specified in the UoS outline, a text matching software such as TurnitIn will be used to identify
students who plagiarise from the Internet or from each other. There are severe penalties for plagiarism and in some
extreme cases, could lead to failure of the unit of study. For this reason, you should always paraphrase in your own
words and use appropriate citation and references where applicable.
ENGG1850 – Introduction to Project Management 代写