HTC201-Exploring-Media-Landscapes assignment 代写
HTC201-Exploring-Media-Landscapes assignment 代写
Bachelor of Interactive Media
Section A: Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Subject Name & Code Exploring Media Landscapes (HTC 201)
Semester Semester 1, 2017
Credit Point Value 10
Subject Level 200
Pre-Requisite Aesthetics of Screen (HTC 101)
Presentation Team
Lecturer Petr Joura
Tutor N/A
Office Location WIN Sydney
Phone 8252 9999
Consultation times Before and after class or other times by prior
Teaching methods/strategies
The teaching methods/strategies used in this subject/unit include:
1-hour face-to-face lecture per week;
2-hour tutorial per week;
For tutorials, students will work in small groups for group-based activities and projects;
Students will be expected to attend tutorials and conduct independent learning activities.
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Brief Subject Description
In this subject, students explore and analyse forms of media with a view to achieving a better
understanding of how to communicate with audiences. The subject explores various media
genres, including news genres, and examines the communication conventions employed.
Students discuss and analyse key theoretical concepts associated with the construction of
meaning including semiotics, ideology, discourse and narrative.
Student Learning Outcomes
By the end of this subject students should be able to:
A Identify and describe major historical and contemporary developments in media
B Demonstrate the application of key concepts and theoretical knowledge through
debate and discourse
C Demonstrate effective understanding of visual communication theory
D Research media and visual communication
E Apply and analyse key terms and creative communication theory contributing towards
an understanding of media
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Content Summary
Date (Week
1 06.03.17
Understanding Media
2 13.03.17
Media contexts
3 20.03.17
Film, Television, Radio
4 27.03.17
The Internet
5 03.04.17
6 10.04.17
7 17.04.17 Intra semester break
8 24.04.17
Film and Television Industry
9 01.05.17
Understanding Audiences
10 08.05.17
Social Media
11 15.05.17
TV vs. Web
12 22.05.17
Mobiles and Portable Media
13 29.05.17
Video Games and Hyper Reality
14 05.06.17
Assessment week
15 12.06.17
Assessment week
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Summary of Assessment
Assessment Task
Due Date
and Time
Assignment 1: Participation .
There will be at least 6 short assessment
activities of not more than 20 mins administered
as short quizzes, problem solving etc to evaluate
student’s understanding of key concepts
A- E
Weeks 2
to 12
Assignment 2: Report (2000 words)
The student is required to write a report on a
selected topic. The report should provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic including
reference to the literature and resources used in
the original class presentation.
outcomes B
and D.
By 4:00pm
Week 7
HTC201-Exploring-Media-Landscapes assignment 代写
Assignment 3: Essay (2000 words)
Students are required to write an essay on one of
the following essay topics:
1. Compare and contrast Television and the
World Wide Web and discuss their current
and future convergence.
2. Does the convergence of technology isolate
people or bring them closer together?
3. Discuss the role of Television and its
influence on desensitising audiences to
4. Discuss electronic mediums of
communication and analyse and critique their
impact on human interaction.
A, B, C, D
and E
By 4:00pm
Week 13
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Assessment Marking Criteria – Participation
Students will be assessed on the following criteria for their participation.
For participation, the student is required to consistently attend class / tutorial /
seminar/studio activities and to actively participate in the set dynamic. The student should
demonstrate a range of behaviours and attitudes that enhance their
technical/theoretical/skill development and their level of engagement with the subject
material and fellow classmates. Lecturers and students are guided in their objective
assessment of participation through the application of the following criteria.
Level of engagement (20 Marks or 20%)
The student is fully engaged - questions answered as appropriate, leads some discussion and
provides occasional insights.
Quality of inputs (20 Marks or 20%)
The student fully comprehends class references and materials and is usually able to contribute
beyond these parameters The student demonstrates and articulates a high level of
understanding of the theory and its applications.
Task completion (60 Marks or 60%)
The student is easily able to work to standards, perform at higher levels and is able to present a
comprehensive response to the subject input over lectures/seminars and/or tutorials through a
series of a minimum of six random assessments scattered over the 12 weeks of sessions.
These short assessments may take a variety of forms including multiple choice questions, short
answer questions, in class assignments, verbal responses to specific questions, short
presentations or any other assessment mode deemed appropriate and approved by the
coordinator of the program.
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Assessment Marking Criteria – Essay
Assessment Marking Criteria – Essay
Students will be assessed on the following criteria for their essay.
These ARE NOT suggested titles for sections of your report NOR ARE THEY
QUESTIONS that require direct responses, they simply reflect the content that
should be embedded in your report. The marker will be looking for these themes
and will mark them with reference to a set of standards. It is OK to label your
introduction and conclusion.
Introduction (10 marks or 10%)
Your introduction should be no more than the first one or two paragraphs of your essay
that set the scene for your topic. What Art movement did you pick? Describe and
contextualise the movement very briefly. The introduction should be a snap shot of your
whole essay in very general terms. The body of the essay will fill in the gaps.
Topic Relevance (10 marks or 10%)
Your essay has to directly relate to the topic. Avoid generalisations and vague statements
that don’t really relate to the technology you are investigating.
Research (20 marks or 20%)
A good essay relies on information that comes from reliable and recognised sources. The
recommended readings are minimal requirements for understanding your topic.
Additional readings identified by you and properly cited and used in your essay to support
a point or argument or to highlight your perspective in the essay will attract higher marks.
Simply adding as many citations as possible without integrating them properly in your
essay will not be viewed positively.
Analysis and Synthesis (30 marks or 30%)
Ensure that all of the information gathered on your chosen technology can be woven into
a theme that makes sense and all the pieces fit. Avoid making statements without
connection. The information should be carefully analysed and combined in ways that
support your main themes and arguments.
Writing Style and Grammar (10 marks or 10%)
Pay attention to your writing and don’t be afraid to edit and amend what you write several
times until it sounds clear and concise. Use your spell checker, there is no excuse for
incorrect spelling.
Conclusion (10 marks or 10%)
The final part of your essay should connect theory with outcomes. You should synthesise
the variety of sources that were used in researching the topic and reach a final conclusion
which outlines the future of your chosen technology clearly outlining why you have
reached this conclusion.
Referencing (10 marks or 10%)
Reference according to the APA referencing style guide. Additional information is
available from the library if you need assistance. Get into the habit of being as accurate
as possible with punctuation and presentation. Keep in mind that recommended readings
are a minimal requirement and references to materials beyond this list and identified and
properly cited in your essay will attract higher marks.
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Assessment Marking Criteria – Report
Students will be assessed on the following criteria for their report.
These ARE NOT suggested titles for sections of your report NOR ARE THEY
QUESTIONS that require direct responses, they simply reflect the content that
should be embedded in your report. The marker will be looking for these themes
and will mark them with reference to a set of standards. It is OK to label your
introduction and conclusion.
Introduction (10 Marks or 10%)
Your introduction should be no more than the first one or two paragraphs of your report
that set the scene for your choice of art movement – what is it, what factors led to your
choice. What will be the final product?
Reflection of technical skilling (15 Marks or 15%)
What are the particular technical skills that are required to successfully achieve what you
set out to do? What did you have to learn to do, which programs did you have to master,
are there particular methods and strategies that work better than others? Try and give the
reader a clear picture of the developmental process that you went through.
Reflection Process (15 Marks or 15%)
What are the particular processes that are required to successfully achieve what you set
out to do? How did you formulate your ideas and bring them to fruition? What inspired
the design and process? What strategies did you use, and did they change as you
encountered problems? What did you learn as you worked through the design process?.
Positive Outcomes (15 Marks or 15%)
What are the things that worked? Why did they work? Are there general rules that can be
applied to ensure a positive outcome? Are there things you could do even better the next
time around to ensure success? Can you point to some of the literature that helped
ensure successful outcomes? How did they help?
Negative Outcomes (15 Marks or 15%)
What things didn’t work? Why were they not successful? Did you contravene some basic
design rules that led to failure? What would you avoid doing the next time around? Is
there anything in the literature that, on reflection, was helpful or not helpful?
Writing Style and Grammar (10 Marks or 15%)
Pay attention to your writing and don’t be afraid to edit and amend what you write several
times until it sounds clear and concise. Use your spell checker; there is no excuse for
incorrect spelling.
Final Evaluation and Conclusion (20 Marks or 20%)
The final part of your report should connect theory with the final product. Evaluate the
outcome overall. Was it a success or a failure or somewhere in-between? Are there
ways you could have improved the product? What did you learn? Was the prior learning
helpful? Did you find your own sources of information that guided your processes?
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Section B – Additional Institute Information
Grade Descriptions
Students may be awarded a raw numerical mark for their assignment which will then be
converted to one of the following:
HD – High Distinction 85% and above
D – Distinction 75 – 84%
C – Credit 65 – 74%
P – Pass 50 – 64%
F – Fail – below 50%
DNS – Did not submit
All major assignments (40% or above) will be awarded one of the above grades.
For more information on please refer to the Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and
Procedure’ available on the Institute’s web site.
High Distinction (H)
An analytical piece of work that offers originality in synthesis or analysis, and utilises a multitude
of relevant sources to justify arguments and produce a critical and intelligent piece of work. Work
of this standard will require flawless referencing and will contain few, if any, grammatical errors.
All areas of criteria will be of an excellent standard.
Distinction (D)
Comprehensively analyses the question, understands and compares approaches systematically,
critical comments on literature, excellent examples and illuminating insights. Work of this
standard will be consistent and clear with appropriate referencing and use of grammar
Credit (C)
Analytical and explanatory discussion, some theoretical insights, good use of sources and
examples, focused argument that could be improved. Work of this standard may achieve good
levels of performance on some of the criteria but not all. The discussion will address the question
but could lean towards description rather than analysis.
Pass (P)
Competent descriptive discussion, some grasp of the topic, coherent style and composition,
essentially a superficial discussion. Work of this standard might only include a limited range of
source material and provide information rather than argument. Structure and presentation could
require improvement and the introduction and conclusion might not clearly convey the position
and findings of the author.
Fail (F)
Discussion fails to answer the set question or relies on few, if any, source material. Answer
contains grammatical errors and/or inappropriate referencing technique and, of course, an
absence of any referencing. Work of this standard is often brief and is unable to demonstrate a
clear understanding of the topic and relevant issues. Responses fail to meet the learning
objectives for the assessment.
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A similarity report provides an important indicator of whether a student's work is original or
plagiarised. Generally, a similarity report of more than 25% warrants close scrutiny to assess
whether the problem relates to poor writing technique or plagiarism.
Assignment Submissions
Students are required to submit assessment items at the time and date specified in this Subject
Outline. Assessment items submitted after the due date will be subject to a penalty unless the
Lecturer or Course Coordinator has given prior approval in writing for an extension of time to
submit that item.
Assessments should be submitted in the form specified in the subject outline or as notified by the
Lecturer. Where assessment items are submitted electronically, the date and time the email was
received will be considered the date and time of submission. Written papers or other physical
submissions are to be time and date stamped as a record of receipt.
Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness,
misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special
consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's
performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious.
Please refer to the Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and Procedure’ available on the
Institute’s web site for details.
Assignment Extensions and Penalties
Assignments must be submitted on the due date. Late assignments will incur a penalty as
outlined in the Institute’s policy ‘Student Assessment Policy and Procedure’ available on the
Institute’s web site.
Academic Misconduct
Academic misconduct involves cheating, collusion, plagiarism or any other conduct that
deliberately or inadvertently claims ownership of an idea or concept without acknowledging the
source of the information. This includes any form of activity that negates the academic integrity of
the student or another student and/or their work.
Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used.
Specifically it occurs when:
other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a reference;
other students’ work is copied or partly copied;
other people’s designs, codes or images are presented as the student’s own work;
phrases and passages are used verbatim without quotation marks and/or without a
reference to the author or a web page;
lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.
Cheating occurs when a student seeks to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or in
other written or practical work required to be submitted or completed for assessment.
Collusion (unauthorised collaboration) involves working with others without permission to produce
work which is then presented as work completed independently by the student. Collusion is a
form of plagiarism. Students should not knowingly allow their work to be copied.
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There are substantial penalties for academic misconduct. Please refer to the Institute’s
‘Academic Integrity and Honesty Policy and Procedure’ available on the web site for more
information .
Referencing Procedures
The Institute has adopted the APA Style for the referencing of sources. Please refer to the
Institute’s web site or the library for information on how to reference information sources using the
APA style.
Subject Evaluation
At the end of each semester all students will be asked to fill in a subject evaluation form. This
information will assist us in making improvements to enhance the quality of delivery. Evaluations
will include questions about the content, the assessment, delivery mode and other features. You
will also have an opportunity to make open-ended comments.
Subject evaluations are important to us and are taken seriously so please ensure that your
responses accurately reflect how you feel. All evaluations are anonymous to ensure privacy.
Learning Support Services
If you have any queries or requests about the course and this subject in particular, you should
first approach your Lecturer or Tutor. You may also approach the Head Lecturer who looks after
your specialisation or the Course Coordinator if you are unable to resolve your issue with the
Lecturer or Tutor. Contact details are provided below.
The Institute wants to ensure that you have the best learning environment available to maximize
your chances to do well in the course. We have staff on hand to provide student support and
assistance with administrative matters when required. We also have a Student Welfare Officer
who can provide assistance and support with any personal matters. Contact details are provided
If you are experiencing language difficulties, please discuss this with your lecturer who may refer
you to an English language Centre for additional assistance. Depending on the level of support
required, there may be some additional costs imposed.
The Institute has a Learning Assistance Centre which is provided through the Library. There are
on-going work shops available if you need assistance with study skills, presentation skills, writing
skills, how to reference information sources using the APA style etc. Please check with the
Librarian to access these services.
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Prescribed text and recommended readings:
Prescribed Reading
Cunningham, G and Turner, S. (2010) The Media and Communications in Australia. Crows
Nest.Allen & Unwin Academic.
Recommended Readings
Bernardi, D. (2009). Signs of Aliens: Semiotics of Film and Popular Culture. Arizona. Pearson
Custom Publishing.
Hanson, R. (2010). Mass Communication: Living in a Media World. Washington, DC: CQ
Press Institute.
Stegger, M. (2009). Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. New York. Oxford Press.
Stegger, M. (2009). Media of Mass Communication. (10th ed.). New York. Allyn & Bacon.
Schmidt, S. (2007). The Coming Convergence: Surprising Ways Diverse Technologies Interact
to Shape Our World and Change the Future. New York. Prometheus Books.
Online Readings
Online journal articles accessible via UTS library online resources.
ABC Documents - Editorial Policies. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
ACMA. (n.d). Retrieved June 30,
Advertisements on Radio and TV. (n.d). Retrieved June 30,
Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
Broadcasting Content Regulation. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
Children’s Television Standards. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
Media Watch. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
HTC201-Exploring-Media-Landscapes assignment 代写
Online Codes. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
Press Law in Australia. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
The Sydney Morning Herald Code of Ethics. (n.d). Retrieved June 30, 2010
Additional Contacts
Dr Joe Relich Executive Dean 8252 9999
Wendy Wu Registrar 8252 9999
Victoria Keane Librarian 8252 9999
Dr Robert Wentworth Counsellor 8252 9999
Ava Cai Accounts 8252 9999
Steve Liu IT Manager 8252 9999
HTC201-Exploring-Media-Landscapes assignment 代写