ABPL20040 Landscape Studio 景观设计 代写

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  • ABPL20040 Landscape Studio 景观设计 代写
    ABPL20040 Landscape Studio 2: Site Planning & Design
    (Semester 2, 2017)
    The Horseshoe Bend (Image Source: VicUrban 2010)
    ABPL20038 Landscape Studio 1: Explorations OR APPL20027 Architecture Design Studio: Earth AND
    HORT20026 Designing with Plants
    Dr Siqing Chen
    Room MSD-416
    Email: chens@unimelb.edu.au
    Office hours: by appointment only
    Jess Li (jessicalilaisze@gmail.com)
    Owen Hu (owendhu@gmail.com)
    Iris Fong (ifong@student.unimelb.edu.au)
    Fridays: 1:15 – 2:15pm Lecture @ Old Metallurgy 202 Room 2
    2:15 – 5:15pm Studio @ MSD-448, MSD-449, Baldwin Spencer-109
    (when there is no lecture, studio runs from 1:15–5:15pm)
    This studio is an introduction to site planning and design. Put simply, ‘Site planning is the art of
    arranging buildings and other structures on the land in harmony with each other’ (Lynch, 1962). In
    arranging structures on the land, achieving harmonious relationships between built and natural
    landscape systems is of utmost importance. This is why the first step in any site planning exercise
    involves analysis of the site.
    Site analysis is concerned with inventory and evaluation of both natural and cultural features, and
    the associated systems, which occur on, or near, the site you are studying. In undertaking a site
    analysis the site planner must consider, among many different elements, such items as:
      Topography
      Vegetation, ecosystems, and biodiversity
      Hydrology systems, floodway and floodplain
      Parks, reserves, and open space
      Circulation and parking
      History and heritage features
      Orientation and climatic exposure of the land
      The intangible experiential aspects of places, as conveyed by the landscape’s character
      Legal aspects associated with the site - land tenure, zoning, designated protected areas
    This design studio is concerned with the art and science of planning and designing landscapes. The
    emphasis is on systematically analysing biophysical, social and cultural attributes of sites and their
    contextual settings and based on this information arranging circulation systems, open spaces, areas
    of vegetation, buildings and other structures within the context of various landscape settings.
    Students will learn how to develop design solutions for sites in ways that harmoniously and
    responsibly respond to the landscape.
    During the semester you will focus on the planning and design of the Department of Defense (DoD)
    site adjacent to Horseshoe Bend along Maribyrnong River at Maribyrnong, VIC (see image below).
    The 128 hectare site, situated in the suburb on Maribyrnong, borders the Maribyrnong River to the
    north, east and west, and Cordite Avenue to the south. The site has been previously used for
    Defence Department activities, but has been substantially vacant for approximately 10 years. The
    site is currently under the remediation due to contamination from previous uses.
    Boundary of the Department of Defence Maribyrnong site
    (Image source: VicUrban, 2010)
    You will explore this site in both spatial and temporal dimensions and have to balance various, and
    often conflicting, demands placed on this landscape in developing design proposals for the site.
    Specifically, the studio will focus on the analysis and planning of this area for the mixed use
    development as a new housing estate, with office buildings and facilities for education, recreation,
    and conservation.
    Aerial photography of the DoD Maribyrnong Site (Image source: Nearmap, 2017)
    During the semester you will be developing a site plan and associated designs for a mixed-use
    development for the site. This will necessitate you first investigating similar developments from
    around the world to use as examples and then developing a program for a particular development
    proposal. This initial investigation (Assignment 1) will require you to conduct research looking for
    examples of mixed-use development from Australia and around the world to get ideas for the type
    of development and its features that you would like to see as part of your design; and to start
    engaging your own project site by site inventory and analysis. This research will be done in small
    groups and submitted in the form of a Powerpoint presentation.
    Based on Assignment 1, Assignment 2 involves you conducting an in-depth analysis of the site and
    its surrounds with respect to salient environmental, cultural and local social attributes and
    developing a conceptual plan. You will need use resources from library, internet, and so on, to
    gather published information about the site history and conditions as well as your own observations
    and sketches of the site and its surrounds. You will also undertake a series of design development
    exercises which will help you develop diagrams, conceptual plans, programs and details for the site.
    The outcomes of the design exercises will be added to your final site planning and design package for
    submission in week 12.
    Based on these analysis and exercises in Assignment 2, Assignment 3 involves you developing an
    illustrative site plan and design drawings that effectively communicate your design concepts and
    proposals for the site. You will use and integrate your research, studio work, and design exercises to
    propose a final site plan and design for your proposed master planning for the mixed-use
    development, including siting of all buildings, circulation (path, roads, and parking), open spaces,
    conservation areas, etc. Some design details to further communicate your design ideas are also
    See the following table for assignment schedule. Handout with detailed description, requirements,
    assessment criteria, late policy, and mode of submission (electronic/hard copy, in class or at the
    student centre, etc.) of each assignment will be made available at class and/or through LMS during
    the course of the semester.
    Assignment Schedule
    Assignment  Description  Date Issued  Due Date  Value %
    #1 (Group work):
    Precedents, Site Inventory
    and Analysis
    - Precedents
    - Research + documentation
    - Presentation
    Week 1  Week 3  10%
    #2(Individual work):
    Precedents & Conceptual
    - Site analysis
    - Conceptual plans
    - Design development (including
    at least 2 design options)
    Week 3  Week 7  30%
    #3 (Individual work):
    Master Planning & Detail
    - Master planning
    - Detailed design
    Week 7  Week 12  60%
    Assessment will be marked following the University grading scheme:
    H 1 80-100
    H 2 A  75-79
    H2B  70-74
    H3  65-69
    P  50-64
    N  <50
    Lecture (1.15-2.15pm)  Studio (2.15-5.15pm)  Assessments/Tasks
    28 Jul
    Introductory Lecture
    - What is site planning
    - Introducing the DoD site
    - Introducing Assignment 1
    - Q&A: Assignment 1
    - Assignment 1 group
    - Assignment 1
    - Reading on LMS - Lynch (1971) Site
    Planning: Chapters 1-2.
    4 Aug
    Lecture: Design Process
    - Process for site planning
    and design
    Precedents Study
    - Q&A: Procedents study
    - Group desk critique:
    Assignment 1
    - Group work on Assignment 1
    - Reading on LMS - LaGro (2001) Site
    Analysis: Chapters 2,5,6-7
    11 Aug
    - Digital presentations (PPT/PDF) Assignment 1 (10%)
    - Assignment 1 due
    - Assignment 2
    18 Aug
    -  Design workshop 1 (DW1): Conceptual landuse plan
    - DW1 conceptual land use plan
    (individual work)
    - Hand in next Friday (5%)
    25 Aug
    - Design workshop 2 (DW2): mixed-use development
    - DW2 conceptual plan (Individual
    - Hand in next Friday (5%)
    1 Sep
    Lecture: Conceptual Plan
    and Design (Jess)
    - Design Ideas
    - Conceptual plan making
    - Pin-up crits: conceptual
    - Two design options based
    on Design Workshops
    - Reading on LMS – McCoy (1975):
    Landscape Planning for a New
    Australian Town p.129-270
    - Conceptual plan
    8 Sept
    - Pin-up presentations of Assignment 2: Conceptual Plan
    - Assignment 2 due
    - Handout: Assignment 3
    15 Sep
    Lecture: From Conceptual
    Plan to Master plan (Owen)
    Pin-up crits: master plan
    - Master plan
    - Reading on LMS - LaGro (2001) Site
    Analysis: Chapters 2,5,6-7
    22 Sep
    - No Lecture
    - Interim pin-up presentation: master plan (10%)
    - Master plan
    - Reading on LMS - Luyle (1999)
    Design for Human Ecosystems:
    Chapter 10
    29 Sep  Non-teaching Week
    6 Oct
    - No Lecture
    - Interim pin-up presentation: detail design (10%)
    - Detail design
    13 Oct
    Conceptual plan + Master plan + Detail design
    - Draft design package for final pin-up presentation
    - Final desk crits for Assignment 3
    - Complete design package
    20 Oct
    - Final pin-up presentation (40%)
    - Hand in your presentation: digital copy
    - Assignment 3 due
    There is no required textbook. However some
    important chapters from the following books will be
    made available on LMS.
    - LaGro, J. A. (2001). Site Analysis: Linking
    Program and Concept in Land Planning and
    Design. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
    - Lynch, Kevin (1971). Site Planning. The MIT
    Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts
    Suggested readings
    -  McHarg, I. L. (1992) Design with Nature.
    John Wiley & Sons, New York.
    - Dinep, C. and Schwab, K. (2010) Sustainable Site Design [electronic resource]: Criteria, Process,
    and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design. Available online through
    the University Library:
    As learning in our field is achieved primarily through first-hand participation, every student is
    expected to attend and contribute constructively to different sessions. Your active participation is
    essential to achieve the objectives of this course. Participation and expression of interest;
    constructive contribution to the sessions are critical and important during the course of the learning
    in this subject. Therefore, students are expected to arrive on time and to be present for the whole
    lecture/tutorial sessions, and to actively participate in group and one-to-one discussions with your
    tutors and guest critics.
    Students are responsible for obtaining any information given out in class and keeping themselves
    informed of the subject requirements. Students who expect to miss one or more scheduled classes
    should discuss this with the subject coordinator. The Faculty requires a minimum of 75%
    attendance at all class sessions.
    The Faculty and subject coordinator will only permit extended absences where grounds for special
    consideration exist and in these cases the subject coordinator may advise the student to consider
    withdrawal from the subject. As noted above, the lecturer and tutors will take attendance in the
    weekly studio activities.
    It is the students’ responsibility to take their own notes during lecture/ tutorial times. However most
    of the presentations will be in PowerPoint format and will be available on LMS.
    If you are unable to attend any class, please let the coordinator or your tutor know prior to the
    scheduled time of the session that you will not attend, will be late, or have to leave early. Medical
    certificate is required for any sick leave to be granted.
    Hurtle Fisher’s famous ‘Fisherman’
    (Source: State Library of Victoria)
    Maintenance of course materials
    I expect that you will develop a suitable method of organizing, updating, extending, and retrieving
    the information related to the course. I see this as a truly life-long endeavour. To encourage you in
    starting such a system, each student should maintain a workbook of handouts, collected
    information, and class notes, digital readings posted on LMS, etc. for their use during the semester
    and for future reference.
    Submission of assessment
    Just like all professionals, landscape planners must meet many deadlines in their daily work. We,
    therefore, request that all of you respect the due date of each assignment. Each student is
    responsible for ensuring their work is submitted on time as detailed on the handout of each
    assignment. Late submissions will not be penalised in the event of illness or other extraordinary
    circumstances provided students have requested an extension of time in writing and the course
    coordinator similarly approved this in writing. Work submitted late without the prior agreement of
    the course coordinator will be penalised by a deduction of 5% of the total marks of the project per
    day. Work submitted more than 10 days late without the required prior agreement will not be
    Extension of assessment deadlines
    Students who are not eligible for special consideration (see below) but are unable to submit a piece
    of assessment by the due date must contact the subject coordinator as soon as possible. The subject
    coordinator may permit students a small extension if they have a good reason for not being able to
    submit on time. They will not grant extensions after the deadline for submission has passed. The
    subject coordinator will grant extensions if the student is unable to submit on due to unforeseen
    factors such as short-term illness, injury, family circumstances or cultural factors such as religious
    holidays. However, due dates clashing with other subjects are not grounds for granting extensions.
    Nor are work commitments.
    Return of assessment
    Assessors will return feedback and grades within two weeks of the submission date or within four
    weeks for assignments worth more than 25% of the final grade. Feedback will give students an
    indication of the relative quality of the piece of work via a grade along with brief comments and
    feedback explaining the grade awarded, and areas in which the work could be strengthened, and
    where it excelled.
    Supplementary assessment
    Only students granted special consideration (see below) may be granted supplementary assessment
    as specified by the subject coordinator.
    Special consideration
    The Faculty policy follows the University policy on Special Consideration. It is designed to make
    reasonable allowance for unavoidable or unforeseen interruptions or constraints upon student
    work. It is available to assist students to cope with circumstances where their work has been
    hampered to a substantial degree by illness or other causes.
    Only circumstances affecting students for more than three consecutive days, or five days in total, are
    grounds for special consideration. Students must be able to supply documentary evidence of their
    circumstances on the HCAP form completed by health care or other professionals. Students should
    complete an online Special Consideration application form available through their student portal,
    accompanied by the HCAP form. The Faculty Special Consideration Committee (one staff member
    from Academic Services, Associate Dean (Academic), one academic staff member) will consider the
    The subject coordinator will then determine the action to be taken and will advise the student.
    Where late submission of work is allowed, students must submit what they have completed by the
    established deadline in order that the subject coordinator can assess their progress and the
    implications of the special consideration request. Only one action will be taken in relation to each
    piece of work to which special consideration applies.
    The following are examples of circumstances where special consideration is NOT appropriate:
      study workload
      outside work commitments
      sporting commitments
      language or other academic difficulties
      misreading of the exam timetable
      computer problems
    Academic policies cover areas such as assessment, plagiarism and academic misconduct, advanced
    standing, unsatisfactory progress, student grievances and appeals, assignment extensions, special
    consideration, subject changes and course variations, and leave of absence and discontinuation.
    Melbourne School of Design and the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning students can
    access academic policies and procedures from Student Centre or at the Faculty‘s website.
    Using Sources  and Avoiding Plagiarism
    (This document has been prepared with the assistance of the Academic Skills Unit and the ABP Teaching &
    Learning Unit)
    Why do you need to acknowledge the work of others?
    Most university writing tasks require you to draw on a range of academic sources to support your
    claims, arguments and ideas. To distinguish between your thoughts and words, and those of others,
    it is essential that proper acknowledgement be provided. By acknowledging your sources, you are
    also giving credit to the original authors or creators of the work you are using, while placing your
    work in the context of previous scholarship.
    What is plagiarism?
    Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s ideas and presenting them as your own. It can be done
    deliberately, if you copy someone else’s work. Or it can be done accidentally, if you forget to
    acknowledge someone else’s work properly (for example, by failing to use quotation marks to show
    a direct quotation, or not including a reference) in your own work. Plagiarism is considered to be
    cheating, and is not tolerated within this (or any other) University.
    What is collusion?
    Collusion is the act of representing as your own, work that is the result of 'unauthorised
    collaboration with another person or persons' (University of Melbourne 2005). This includes copying
    another person's work even if you have their permission. In this instance both the person presenting
    the work and the person/people involved in supplying the material will be investigated and may be
    charged with academic misconduct.
    Penalties for plagiarism and collusion
    Plagiarism and collusion are serious offences. If you are found to have deliberately or accidentally
    plagiarised or colluded with others, you will be formally investigated. If the instance is severe you
    will be charged with academic misconduct. This may lead to failing the subject, suspension from
    your course or termination of your enrolment. Accidental plagiarism is not an excuse for academic
    misconduct and you will still be held accountable.
    How can I avoid plagiarism?
    To avoid plagiarism, work on building your academic skills. For example:
      Manage your time to avoid completing assignments 'at the last minute'.
      Make a conscious effort to develop your reading, note-taking and writing skills as well as
    your English language (for example, by accessing ASU programs and services and/or through
      Keep detailed notes of all your sources, including all reference details and page numbers.
      Analyze and evaluate what you read.
      Academic Skills: Enabling students to realise their full academic potential and achieve
    excellence at http://services.unimelb.edu.au/academicskills
      Academic honesty and plagiarism at
      Citation Guide at http://library.unimelb.edu.au/cite
    Phase 1: Precedents (Weeks 1-3)
    Assignment I: Precedents (10%)
    Research on large scale mixed-use [infill] development projects
    Group and individual assignment made up of individual contributions (Approximately 3 students per
    group). Group formation completed in Week 1.
    2. DUE DATE
    11 th August as PowerPoint presentation to the class. Digital PowerPoint file must be submitted to
    your tutor at the start of class (1:15pm Friday 11 th August); DO NOT submit to Student Centre.
    The aim of this assignment is to search the library (books and magazines), and World Wide Web for
    examples of mixed-use development that you can use as models upon which to base your designs for
    the proposed Department Defence Maribyrnong redevelopment (Assignments 2-3). The exercise will
    give you practice in identifying possible examples of site planning options.
    A major determinant of success in this exercise will be selecting the right key words to use in your
    searches. The other key determinant is your ability to sort through the many sites you identify and
    select those that present designs/projects that might be suitable for the Department Defence
    Maribyrnong site. The process you go through needs to be well documented so record the books,
    articles, and URL addresses from which you derive materials.
    Each student will have to identify and report ONE selected example of what they feel are innovative
    mixed-use [re]development projects that would be suitable for our studio project site. You will need
    to document the design process each project, and communicate your examples using photographic
    and illustrative images, plans, sections, perspective drawings, maps, sketches, collages, etc. (taken
    from the web sites or scanned from published resources). The examples can be located anywhere in
    the world but you must document (providing a list in bullet point format) their location, relative
    scale, design process, development types, salient design attributes and development features from
    information provided via the library, websites and other forms of publications (such as these design
    blogs attached). The idea is that these examples can later be used as inspiration to generate
    concepts and methodologies for the redevelopment of the Department of Defence Maribyrnong
    area (Assignment 3).
    Each submitted presentation should include specific search words and web site addresses associated
    with each development example on each Powerpoint slide. You are allowed up to 12 PowerPoint
    slides per project with the first slide organised as ‘Project Brief’ in a series of bullet points detailing
    project client, designer, location, site area, number of dwelling units, etc.; the 2nd slide should use
    up to 10 bullet points highlighting specific positive and negative aspects of each project; the
    remaining slides can contain a number of images, plans, sketches, etc. detailing the design thinking
    and/or design process of the project (not just the final design outcome). Each group will be required
    to coordinate their presentation so that it reads graphically as a coordinated whole. In addition to
    presenting in class each group’s PowerPoint file will also be made available on LMS for others in the
    class to examine and refer to at later times.
    Recommended structure of your presentation (8-12 slides per project)
      (1 slide) Project brief
      (1 slide) Design goals/aspirations, and/or significance of the project (why do you choose this
      (1 slide) Design principles
      (1 slide) Annotated conceptual plan
      (1-3 slides) Design development diagrams/graphics explaining how the conceptual plan is
      (1 slide) Annotated master plan
      (1-2 slides) Design development diagrams/graphic explaining how the master plan is
      (1-2 slides) Other design responses to the uniqueness of the site’s geographical, ecological,
    and cultural context
    Presentation time
      6 min presentation + 4 min critique per student (so if you are a group of 3, your group will
    have 18 min for presentation + 12 min for discussion. Total time is 30min for a group of 3
      Hand-in your group’s digital presentation as a single PowerPoint or PDF file. You can put the
    file on a CD/DVD, or bring them on a USB drive for your tutor to make a copy.
    This assignment is worth a total of 10% of the subject grade. 5% assessed according to degree to
    which the various examples are communicated as a unified whole in terms of presentation) and 5%
    for individual contributions assessed on the selection of examples, communication of what these
    examples (developments) look like and details of design process (i.e. you are able to communicate
    the project as if you did it and you know its success and failure in terms of planning and design
    quality and innovation).
    Phase 2: Conceptual Plan (Weeks 4-7)
    Assignment 2: Site inventory, Analysis & Conceptual Plan (30%)
    Group and Individual work
    Built upon design exercises, case studies, and workshops in class, this assignment requires you to
    conduct an in-depth site inventory and analysis for the development of a conceptual plan. You will
    continue to develop your design skills through two design workshops, and apply these design skills
    to the Department of Defense (DoD) Maribyrnong project. You will have to identify and evaluate
    existing site features and conditions, and evaluate them with regard to the opportunities and
    constraints for the particular development type you are proposing for the site - a mixed-use
    development. The assignment will require you collecting site information from both primary and
    secondary materials - aerial photos, published materials, and geospatial data from government
    agencies, etc. - much of which will be supplied to you. However, you will need to synthesise the
    information and present it in a series of clear and informative site inventory/analysis drawings and a
    conceptual plan.
    Group work (4-5 students) -- in-class presentation, NOT accessed
    In a design charrette manner, group members should work closely together to create a draft
    conceptual land use plan based on your site analysis, using the layers site information provided. As a
    group you will then present your site analysis process and conceptual land use plan to the class,
    followed by a presentation of professional work. The group work is not accessed with marks.
    Individual work -- accessed: 10%
    You will continue working on the conceptual plan to integrate any new thoughts you might have
    after both the student group’s presentation and the presentation of professional work.
    Week 4_DW_Part_1 Design Process (5%): due Friday 25Aug 1:15pm (Week 5)
    You are required to document the design process (site inventory, site analysis using reclassification,
    transparent overlay, and conceptual land use plan). Submit your work on A3 trace paper, or you can
    scan, edit, and print it on A3 paper (must be properly stapled, with your name and student ID on the
    first page).
    Week 5_DW_Part_2 Design Options (5%): due Friday 1 Sep 1:15pm (Week 6)
    You are required to explore various design options following different design consideration (e.g.
    road system, water system, open space, housing density, building pattern, urban form, etc.) Submit
    at least two new conceptual plans based on different design options. Submit your work on A3 trace
    paper, or you can scan, edit, and print it on A3 paper (must be properly stapled, with your name and
    student ID on the first page).
    The conceptual plan
    You will have to identify key site elements (existing environmental, cultural, social, and aesthetic,
    etc.) and present your findings in a series of site analysis drawings. Site information should be
    illustrated using appropriate graphic and textual means and represented at appropriate scales in a
    clear and consistent manner. The idea is that the information displayed in the site analysis drawing
    and conceptual plan will later be used to guide the development of your site masterplanning and
    associated design details in Assessment 3. The analysis should focus on two levels:
      overall landscape context; and
      relevant aspects of the site itself
    You must consider salient factors of the site, which provide both opportunities and constrains with
    regard to the types of developments and other important characteristics that may have an influence
    on the site planning and design proposals. Your analysis should address as many aspects as possible
    of the following constraints and opportunities of the site:
    1) Topographic and hydrological: elevation, slope, aspect, stormwater and flooding risk
    2) Climatic: orientation, solar radiation and trajectory, wind pattern, etc.
    3) Ecological: vegetation, flora and fauna, biodiversity
    4) Parks, reserves, and open space
    5) Infrastructure, circulation (pedestrian and vehicle) and parking
    6) Building pattern and density
    7) History and heritage features
    8) The [intangible] experiential aspects of places: noise, visibility, visual quality, etc.
    9) Legal aspects associated with the site - land tenure, zoning, designated protected areas
    The final site inventory/analysis drawings and conceptual plans should take the form of annotated
    plan(s) with notes, maps, diagrams (including figure ground), sketches, collages, etc. Organise your
    sheet in a logical manner and in a way that best communicates the essential visual, ecological,
    cultural, historical, planning/legal, etc., information relative to the site and record major contextual
    features -- e.g. surroundings land-uses, circulation to and from the site, etc. The drawings can be
    prepared using digital and/or hand graphic techniques or a combination of both.
    A digital site plan in DWG format will be made available on the LMS for your use. A high resolution
    aerial photo of the site will also be supplied (in the Week 4 folder on LMS).Various base plan
    materials will be distributed to you via LMS and you will have to develop base plans from these
    materials suitable for documenting your site analysis. This means taking the site plan with
    topographic information, the air photos of the site and other relevant data to create workable base
    plans on which you will record the site analysis information.
    Please keep in mind some of the analysis will require your own subjective judgment of opportunities
    (e.g. the location of good views, etc.) and constraints (e.g. noise from traffic, etc.) with respect to the
    type of development being proposed for the site - e.g. a mixed-use development community.
    At 1:15pm on Friday 8 Sep, each student is required to deliver
     Pin-up: 1 x A0 sheets (orientation: portrait) documenting your (1) site inventory and analysis
    process, and (2) concept plan based on your site inventory and analysis process
     Pin-up presentation in class (5 min presentation + 5 min discussion per student)
    Please Note:
     Please ensure you complete your presentation in 5 minutes so that all students can finish
    presenting their work as scheduled (breaking the time limit may result in penalty)
     Digital A0 (in PDF or JPEG format 300+ dpi) uploaded to an on-line file service and/or emailed
    to your tutor.
     Digital A0 (in PDF or JPEG format 300+ dpi). You can put the file on a CD/DVD, or bring them
    on a USB drive for your tutor to make a copy.
     Please do NOT submit your work to Student Centre
    The design workshop assignments will be assessed against the logic, rationale, rigor and graphic
    quality of the package documenting your design process and design thinking using ranking score
    from 1-5 (further detailed written feedbacks may not be provided due to the fact that there will be 3
    hand-ins in a short amount of time).
    Your project will be assessed in accordance with
    1) the completeness and relevance of the information presented in your drawings
    2) the way you have evaluated the information to determine site opportunities and constraints
    3) the rationale of your conceptual plan as evidenced by your site analysis, and
    4) the quality of the graphic and textual presentation

    ABPL20040 Landscape Studio 景观设计 代写
    Phase 3: Master Plan and Detailed Site Design
    (Weeks 7-12)
    Assignment 3: Master Planning and Detailed Site Designs (60%)
    The aim of the final assignment is for you to develop a site master plan (for the entire site) and two
    detailed site design proposals (for two selected areas of interest on the site), through exploring the
    potential of the redevelopment of DoD Maribyrnong site into an integrated mixed use facility.
    More details of Assignment 3 will be made available in Week 7, following the completion of Phase 2
    Conceptual Plan.
    ABPL20040 Landscape Studio 景观设计 代写