代写ECON131 Quantitative Methods in Economics, Business an

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  • 代写ECON131 Quantitative Methods in  Economics, Business and Finance 
    ECON131 Quantitative Methods in 
    Economics, Business and Finance 
    Students have been assigned different versions of the assignment: you need to download your 
    own version of the assignment by using your own login access to the ECON131 iLearn webpage. 
    Answer ALL questions, clearly and  in your own words. ALL relevant working must be shown. 
    Your assignment may be typed or hand‐written. 
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    Marks:  The total mark for the assignment is out of 100.  
    Each of the 20 questions is worth 4 marks unless specified otherwise.  
    A  further  10  marks  will  be  awarded  for  the  quality  of  the  presentation  of  the 
    Due date:    On or before 11 a.m. Friday, November 18, 2016.  
    Late  submissions will  be  accepted  up  to  48  hours  after  the  submission  deadline. 
    There  will  be  a  deduction  of  10%  of  the  total  quality‐based marks  for  EACH  24 
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    Plagiarism:  Each  assignment  must  represent  the  student's  own  work.  In  particular,  this 
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    information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, please refer to the unit outline. 
    Ecological Footprint (EF)
    The Ecological footprint (EF) measures how much of the regenerative capacity of the biosphere is used up by 
    human  activities.  It  is  the  sum  of  productive  land  and water  area  required  to  support  the  population  and 
    provide  the  resources  it consumes, absorb  its waste and provide  infrastructure  (Stiglitz et al., 2009, p. 244, 
    commission.htm). Biocapacity is a measure showing the capacity of biosphere to regenerate and provide for 
    life. More detailed definitions are given on page 5. 
    Figure 1: Humanity’s ecological footprint by component 1961‐2012 
    Figure 2: Ecological footprint and Biocapacity per capita 1961‐2012 
    Figure 3: China: Ecological footprint and Biocapacity per capita 1961‐2012 
    1.  According  to  the  EF,  is  the  human  population  living  at,  beyond  or  below  the  Earth’s  natural 
    biocapacity? For how long has this been the case? Is this sustainable? 
    2.  According to the EF, is the Chinese population living at, beyond or below China’s natural biocapacity? 
    For how long has this been the case? Is this sustainable? 
    3.  If  you  assume  that  EF  grows  at  a  constant  yearly  rate,  what  is  the  approximate  slope  of  the  EF 
    relationship with time for China? And what is its units? Give the equation of, and sketch this line, with 
    EF  on  the  vertical  axis  and  year  on  the  horizontal  axis.  (EF  for  2012  is  3.4  and  for  1961  was 
    approximately 1). 
    4.  If you assume that biocapacity grows at a constant yearly rate, what is the approximate slope of the 
    biocapacity relationship with time for China? And what  is  its units? Give the equation of, and sketch 
    this line, with biocapacity on the vertical axis and year on the horizontal axis. (biocapacity for 2012 is 
    0.9 and for 1961 was approximately 1). 
    5.  If  this  trend  continues,  what  will  EF  and  biocapacity  be  in  2050?  (Hint:  use  your  equation  from 
    代写ECON131 Quantitative Methods in  Economics, Business and Finance 
    Definitions: Source: Global Footprint Network  
    Footprint and Biocapacity Accounting 
    Footprint and biocapacity accounting helps us answer the basic research question: How much do people 
    demand  from  biologically  productive  surfaces  (Ecological  Footprint)  compared  to  how 
    much  can  the  planet  (or  a  region's  productive  surface)  regenerate  on  those  surfaces 
    What is the Ecological Footprint? What is it composed of? 
    The  Ecological  Footprint  is  the  area of  land  and water  it  takes  for  a human population  to  generate  the 
    renewable  resources  it  consumes  and  to  absorb  the  corresponding  waste  it  generates, 
    using prevailing technology.  In other words,  it measures the "quantity of nature" that we 
    use and compares it with how much "nature" we have. 
    The components of the Footprint include: 
    Cropland: Cropland is the most bioproductive of all the land‐use types and consists of areas used to produce 
    food  and  fibre  for  human  consumption,  feed  for  livestock,  oil  crops,  and  rubber.  The  cropland  Footprint 
    includes  crop  products  allocated  to  livestock  and  aquaculture  feed mixes,  and  those  used  for  fibres  and 
    materials. Due to lack of globally consistent data sets, current cropland Footprint calculations do not yet take 
    into account the extent to which farming techniques or unsustainable agricultural practices may cause  long‐
    term degradation of soil. 
    Forest land: Forest land provides for two competing services: the forest product Footprint, which is calculated 
    based on the amount of lumber, pulp, timber products, and fuel wood consumed by a population on a yearly 
    basis; and  the carbon Footprint, which  represents  the carbon dioxide emissions  from burning  fossil  fuels  in 
    addition to the embodied carbon in imported goods. The carbon Footprint component is represented by the 
    area  of  forest  land  required  to  sequester  these  carbon  emissions.  Currently,  the  carbon  Footprint  is  the 
    largest portion of humanity’s Footprint.   
    Fishing grounds: The fishing grounds Footprint is calculated based on estimates of the maximum sustainable 
    catch for a variety of fish species. These sustainable catch estimates are converted into an equivalent mass of 
    primary  production  based  on  the  various  species’  trophic  levels.  This  estimate  of  maximum  harvestable 
    primary production is then divided amongst the continental shelf areas of the world. Fish caught and used in 
    aquaculture feed mixes are included.  
    Grazing land: Grazing land is used to raise livestock for meat, dairy, hide, and wool products. The grazing land 
    Footprint  is calculated by comparing the amount of  livestock feed available  in a country with the amount of 
    feed required for all livestock in that year, with the remainder of feed demand assumed to come from grazing 
    Built‐up  land:  The  built‐up  land  Footprint  is  calculated  based  on  the  area  of  land  covered  by  human 
    infrastructure:  transportation,  housing,  and  industrial  structures.  Built‐up  land  may  occupy  what  would 
    previously have been cropland.  
    What is Biocapacity? 
    Biocapacity serves as a  lens, showing  the capacity of biosphere  to  regenerate and provide  for  life.  It allows 
    researchers  to add up  the  competing human demands, which  include natural  resources, waste absorption, 
    water  renewal,  and  productive  areas  dedicated  to  urban  uses.  As  an  aggregate,  biocapacity  allows  us  to 
    determine how large the material metabolism of human economies is compared to what nature can renew.  
    What is a global hectare (gha)?  
    A global hectare  is a biologically productive hectare with world average productivity. Because each unit of 
    space harbours a different portion of the global regenerative capacity, each unit is counted proportional to its 
    global biocapacity share. For  this  reason, hectares are adjusted proportionally  to  their productivity and are 
    expressed in global hectares 
    Environmental Resource Management
    The Atlantic cod is a massive fish that can grow up to 2m in length, weigh up to 96 kg, and can live up to 25 
    years.  Before WWII,  there  were  more  than  a  million  tonnes  of  Atlantic  cod  living  in  the  Arctic.  Due  to 
    overfishing, by 1990 this number declined to 118,000, on the brink of collapse. 
    Humans  depend  on  biotic  resources  like  fish,  animals  and  forests.  Ensuring  these  resources  are  not  over‐
    exploited  is absolutely vital, not  just for the health of the planet, but for our own survival. Finding the right 
    level  at which  to  exploit  these  resources  is  important:  on  one  hand,  if  harvesting  quotas  are  set  too  low, 
    millions of people might go hungry. But  if resources are over‐exploited, there  is the risk that the population 
    may collapse entirely, with disastrous consequences for human livelihoods. 
    In this assignment, we analyse three models of biological populations, and find methods for working out how 
    to exploit them sustainably. 
    Part A
    Planet Issues Unlimited Population Growth
    One way to think about the growth of some biomass‐‐‐whether a petri dish  full of bacteria or a river  full of 
    fish‐‐‐  as  some  fixed  proportion  of  the  existing  population.  The  unlimited  population  growth model  is  a 
    simple model which assumes  that,  in each period,  some  fixed proportion b of a population will  reproduce, 
    and some fixed proportion d will die. 
    The model describes the evolution of a population over time, t. 
      ܰሺݐሻ ൌܰ଴݁ሺ௕ିௗሻ௧
    ,  (1) 
    where N0 is the population at time t=0.  
    1.  If the initial population N0=2000, the annual birth rate b=0.03 (3% exponential birth rate) and annual 
    death  rate  d=0.02  (2%  exponential  death  rate),  what  is  the  population  after  1  year?  Explain  this 
    2.  Find an expression for the growth rate of the population in terms of b, d and N(t).  
    Hint: remember that differentiating with respect to time gives a rate of change.  
    3.  If d < b, will the expression you  found  in the previous part be positive or negative? How would you 
    interpret this fact? 
    代写ECON131 Quantitative Methods in  Economics, Business and Finance 
    Part B
    Planet Issues Unlimited population growth with
    The model in equation (1) describes a population untouched by humans: there is no harvesting. We can 
    model what happens if we harvest H individuals from the population each period. The unlimited population 
    growth with harvesting model is given by 
      ܰሺݐሻ ൌܽ݁ሺ௕ିௗሻ௧
    ൅ ுିு௘ሺ್ష೏ሻ೟
    ,  (2) 
    where b is the birth rate, d is the death rate, and H is the number of individuals taken from the population in 
    each period.  
    1.  Confirm that the rate of population change is 
    ൌሺܾെ݀ሻܰሺݐሻെܪ.  (3) 
    Hint: differentiate (2), then add (+H‐H), and rearrange so that you can substitute (2) back in.  
    (5 marks) 
    2.  Give the meaning of the expression in (3). 
    3.  Let N0=N(0)=2000, b=0.05 and d=0.02. At what rate can the population be harvested sustainably? 
    Hint: The sustainable harvest, H, will be the value  that causes no change  in the overall population,  i.e. 
    dN(t)/dt = 0. 
    4.  Suppose an ecosystem is being sustainably harvested at exactly its replacement rate, and the 
    population is constant. Now suppose the population experiences a brief disease epidemic, which 
    causes 4% of individuals to perish. What will happen to the population if harvesting continues at the 
    same rate? 
    5.  Suppose a population of fish that follows this model is being harvested sustainably, as before. What 
    will happen in the long run if, one day, a fisherman decides to throw one of the fish back?  
    6.  This type of model is often said to have a “knife‐edge” equilibrium. Explain what this means. 
    7.  Governments often levy fishing quotas in areas where populations are at risk. Does this model shed 
    any light on the effectiveness (or otherwise) of these policies? (Hint: what if someone cheats?) 
    Part C
    Planet Issues The Verhulst model of ecological growth
    We now consider a slightly more sophisticated version of the above model. Leaving harvesting to one side for 
    a minute, we will consider what happens when there is a limit to growth. The previous model assumed that 
    populations could continue to grow indefinitely. Empirical research suggests that there tends to be a limit to 
    the size of population that an environment can support; we call this limit the carrying capacity, K.  
    A model linking these ideas was first proposed by a French mathematician Pierre Verhulst in 1838. The 
    Verhulst model can be written as: 
    where N0 is the initial population level (Bacaër, 2011). For simplicity, we’ll write the net reproduction rate 
    simply as r, rather than in terms of births and deaths. 
    1.  What is the growth rate if the initial population is zero? 
    2.  When the population is initially at its carrying capacity, i.e. N0 =K, what is the population at time t? 
    How does the population level change when the growth rate r increases? 
    Remember to use the quotient rule to differentiate (4). You will find it easier if you carefully look for 
    the terms that you expect to see in the final expression, and factor those out. 
    (5 marks) 
    4.  Does the population grow faster when it is above the environment’s carrying capacity (N>K), or below 
    it (N<K)? 
    5.  A pond has a carrying capacity of 200,000 fish. Its population this year is 190,000 individuals. If the 
    reproduction ratio is r = 1%, and the population follows the Verhulst population model, how many 
    fish can be harvested per year, leaving a constant population? 
    6.  Suppose that, due to unlicensed fishing, the population falls by half, to 95,000. How many fish can be 
    harvested per year, in order to maintain a stable population? Explain the difference between the 
    previous question and this question. 
    代写ECON131 Quantitative Methods in  Economics, Business and Finance