Marketing Assignment 代写:消费者行为理论

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  • 消费者行为理论
    消费者态度是消费者对物品、财产和利益的情感反应,是对通过学习形成的商品、品牌或公司的一贯偏好或厌恶反应倾向。学术界在态度上一般有三种不同的观点。第一种观点认为,态度主要是情感表达,或反映人们的价值观,如偏好或厌恶。第二种观点是情感与认知的统一。美国学者罗森博格认为,态度对象的情感反应是建立在评价对象的信念或知识基础上的,因此态度既有情感成分,又有认知成分。第三种观点认为态度是情感、认知和行为的综合体(Hidayat,Ajeng&Ayu 2013)。
    消费者态度的另一个特点是后天学习。人们对几乎所有事物都持有态度,这些态度不是天生的,而是后天形成的,以及消费者品牌态度的形成(创、蔡、成、孙2009)。无论是出于何种原因,这种印象都是通过逐渐的接触、观察和理解形成的,而不是先天的。三星是韩国最大的企业,是韩国经济发展的中坚力量;人们对三星电子产品的品牌认知度很高,认为三星是高品质和高生活水平的代表。此外,三星还通过广告等营销手段不断向消费者展示自己的品牌,使消费者不断接受品牌信息,并逐步树立品牌意识(Verawoot&Waryszak 2004)。
    态度一旦形成,就相对持久稳定,并逐渐成为人格的一部分,使个体在反应方式上表现出一定的规律和习惯。如上所述,当韩国国内消费者继续接受三星品牌信息的刺激时,品牌熟悉度增加,再加上三星本身是一个大型跨国品牌,消费者对自己的产品或独特的品牌价值有了高度的认可,这就增加了他们的购买欲望,也就是刺激了消费者品牌情感,最终产生消费者购买行为。此时,态度和情绪是不同的,后者往往是情境性的,情绪也会随着某些情境的消失而减弱或消失。正是因为态度具有持久性、稳定性和一致性,态度的改变才有更大的困难(Friedman&Gould 2007)。因此,如果一个公司能够成功地培养消费者积极的品牌态度,就可以培养消费者的品牌忠诚度,从而鼓励他们继续购买产品。因为消费者对产品、服务或公司形成某种态度,并将其存储在记忆中,当需要时,会从记忆中提取出来,以应对或帮助解决当前的购买问题。这样,态度可以帮助消费者更有效地适应动态的购买环境,避免以新的方式为新产品、新的营销工具解释和应对新事物。尤其是在这个技术不断发展的时代,电子产品更新速度越来越快,总有新品牌进入市场,分割现有企业的市场份额,客观上说,许多新的电子产品可以在功能上取代原来的电子产品,而只有从功能的角度来看,消费者才能轻易地转换品牌,只要让消费者对品牌保持忠诚,就能让企业在这个市场上保持不败的地位。使消费者对品牌建立稳定的消费态度,将能够建立其品牌信念、品牌影响力和品牌整合(Verawoot&Waryszak 2004)。

    Marketing Assignment 代写:消费者行为理论

    Consumer behavior theory
    Consumer attitudes is consumer emotional reactions towards the objects, properties and interests, that are consistent preference or dislike response tendencies towards a commodity, brand, or company which are formed through learning. Academic field in attitudes generally have three different views. The first view is that attitude is mainly the emotional expression, or reflects people’s values such as a preference or aversion. The second view attitudes are the unity of emotion and cognitive. American scholar Rosenberg holds the idea that emotional response for the attitude object was based on object’s evaluation’s beliefs or knowledge, so the attitude both has the affective component and cognitive ingredients. The third opinion considers the attitude as constitute complex of emotion, cognition and behavior (Hidayat, Ajeng & Ayu 2013).
    Another feature of consumer attitudes is acquired learning. People held attitudes towards almost all things, which are not innate, but are acquired, as well as the formation of consumers’ brand attitudes (Chuang, Tsai, Cheng & Sun 2009). No matter stemming from what kind of causes, this impression is formed through gradual contact, observations and understanding, rather than innate. Samsung is South Korea’s largest enterprises, the backbone of Korea’s economic development; people have a high degree of brand recognition of Samsung’s electronic products, that Samsung is the representative of high quality and high living standard. In addition, Samsung constantly exposes its brand through advertising and other marketing tools to consumers, so that consumers continuously accept the brand messages, and gradually build up its brand awareness (Verawoot & Waryszak 2004).
    Attitude, once formed, is relatively durable and stable, and gradually become a part of the personality, so that the individual show some rules and habits in the reaction mode. As mentioned above, when Korean domestic consumers continue to accept Samsung brand messages’ stimulation, brand familiarity increases, coupled with Samsung itself is a large multinational brands, consumers have a high degree of recognition of their products or unique brand value, which increases their desire to buy, that is stimulating consumer brand emotion, and ultimately produce consumer buying behavior. At this point, attitudes and emotions are different, the latter is often situational, emotions will also diminish or disappear accompanied by the disappearance of certain situations. Just because attitudes present persistence, stability and consistency, the change of attitude has greater difficulties (Friedman & Gould 2007). Therefore, if a company can successfully develop a positive consumer’s brand attitude, it can cultivate consumer brand loyalty; which encourages them to continue to buy the products. Because consumer form some kind of attitude of products, services, or companies and store them in memory, when needed, they will be extracted from the memory to cope or help solve the current problems of purchasing. In this way, attitudes can help consumers more effectively adapt to the dynamic purchasing environment to avoid explaining and responding to new things in new ways for new products, new marketing tools. Especially in this era of evolving technology, electronic products update increasingly faster, there are always new brands entering the market and dividing existing enterprises’ market share, objectively speaking, a lot of new electronic products are can functionally replace the original electronic products, and only from the perspective of function, consumers can easily convert the brand, so as long as make consumers remain loyal to the brand, can allow enterprises remain unbeaten position in this market. Making consumers establish a stable consumer attitude towards brands will be able to establish its brand beliefs, brand affect and brand conation (Verawoot & Waryszak 2004).

    Marketing Assignment 代写:消费者行为理论