代写 AMB200 Consumer Behaviour assignment

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  • 代写 AMB200 Consumer Behaviour assignment

    AMB200 Consumer Behaviour

    Assessment Item 1: Consumer Behaviour Portfolio
    Due: Week 7, September 8 (Thursday) 11:50 PM to Turnitin
    Weighting: 25% of grade
    Length: 1,250 words (+/- 10%)
    This portfolio is designed to help you use consumer behaviour theories to analyse and understand your own consumer behaviour.   In this assessment, you will submit three (3) out of six (6) tutorial worksheets as part of a portfolio.  You must submit Activity2 and then choose any two (2) others from activity1 to 6.The tutorial program has been designed to assist your learning and is directly linked to this assessment.  In the past, students who have attended tutorials have performed better on this assessment than students who attended less often.
    Consumer Behaviour List
    In the secondtutorial, you will select ONE consumer behaviour from the list below that you have done in the last month.Once you have selected a behaviour you cannot change, as your assessment requires you to submit activity worksheets on the same behaviour.
    List of Consumer Behaviours
    • Buying a PC/laptop/high-technology item
    • Booking/arranging/going on an overseas holiday
    • Selecting a university
    • Going to the movies
    • Choosing a restaurant for a special occasion
    • Evaluating and selecting a mobile phone plan
    • Choosing to do volunteer work
    • Buying a fashion item
    • Going to a concert
    • Changing a habit (reducing alcohol consumption, getting fit, eating more healthy)
    Assignment structure and requirements
    For your portfolio, you must follow the specified structure. Be sure to use the “CB Portfolio Template” and worksheets contained in the “Tutorial Workbook”.  Do not change the order of the content in the activity worksheets in any way, as this may result in reduced marks. This assignment requires the use of first-person language. The total word count for the assignment is 1250 words (+/- 10%). This excludesthe questions in the workbook, references and appendix, but it includes content in the tables (in other words, whatever you write is included in the word count, except for the references and appendix).
    Introduction ~ 250 words
    • State the consumer behaviour that you have selected as the basis for the portfolio.
    • Summarise the linkages between the theories in your three selected worksheets and how these explain your consumer behaviour. 
    • Keep this section to 1 – 2 paragraphs.
    Worksheets ~ 850 words (approx 285 words per activity worksheet)
    • Copy and paste the worksheets from the AMB200 Tutorial Workbook (available on the blackboard site) into your assignment. You may format the content to be consistent with your font, colours etc. however do not move tables around, change headings or alter question numbers.  Ensure that your tables do not go over the page.  You may use 10 point single-space for the table content.
    • Provide visual evidence of anything related to the topic you have selected (e.g., screen capture from a website, photograph, diagram, image, etc.).
     代写 AMB200 Consumer Behaviour assignment
    Activity Worksheet 1
    • Part A of each worksheet assesses your knowledge of a particular theory(ies) and as such does not require you to reference the content.  Just use the information from the textbook and the lecture notes to assist you. 
    • Part B of each worksheet assesses your ability to translate consumer behaviour theory into practice.  This section requires you to demonstrate insight into your own behaviour.  You should use additional references in this section (the textbook primarily and academic journals where appropriate), however there is no need to go beyond three (3) references per worksheet.  This section is where most of the word count for the worksheet will be used, but be concise and articulate.  Provide your response in 2 – 4 paragraphs and do not use dot-points or numbered lists.
    Activity Worksheet 2
    • Same format requirements as worksheet 1
    Activity Worksheet 3
    • Same format requirements as worksheet 1
    Conclusion ~150 words
    • Summarise the theories you have used in this portfolio and the lessons thatyou have learntabout your own behaviour. You may also want to connect/synthesise the relationship between the theories in your worksheets to explain your behaviour.
    • Keep this brief with 1 – 2 paragraphs.
    References (not included in word limit)
    Create a reference list that correctly references all of the sources you used in this assignment.
    Appendix (not included in word limit)
    Include a maximum of one pagefor an appendix with tables and/ or other supporting information, where appropriate.The appendix must be concise and should provide any additional evidence to support the assignment.
    This is the checklist for the Consumer Behaviour Portfolio: