MQ AFIN310 Assignment Financial issues 代写

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  • MQ AFIN310 Assignment Financial issues 代写

    Sem 1 - 2017
    Financial Services Regulatory and
    compliance issues
    • Instructions for the report/article
    – Use your own words – the work must be yours (refer to the note
    below on plagiarism)
    – Write clearly and use plain language
    – Demonstrate your understanding with examples
    – Provide appropriate source referencing
    – Concise and effective answers
    – Presented professionally
    – Flowing coherently
    • Plagiarism – Turnitin similarity reporting strictly applies  penalties can
    be applied for similarity identified (on a case by case basis). Systemic
    plagiarism will result in zero mark ( possible further actions may apply in
    accordance with the university rules and procedures).
    Assignment (100 Marks)
    You have been asked to write a 2-3 page article (max 1,000 words)
    in your local monthly magazine explaining the following:
    1. Recent FOFA reforms (25 Marks)
    2. Recently introduced legislations related to raising Professional Standards
    of Financial Advisers  (25Marks)
    3. Finally, your article needs to address your views of whether the recent
    FOFA reforms relate to Best Interest Duty, scaled advice, conflicted
    remuneration and the recently introduced legislation related to improved
    educational and professional standards of financial advisers have been
    warranted. You also need to comment on the success of the FOFA reforms
    to date in terms of their impact on the quality of advice, access to advice
    and consumer protection. (25 Marks)
    MQ AFIN310 Assignment Financial issues 代写