BX2014 Financial Management 代写

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  • BX2014 Financial Management 代写
    BX2014 Financial Management 
    Aligned course & 
    subject learning 
    Develop an understanding of the fundamental concepts of the 
    finance discipline. 
      Apply knowledge and skills of capital structure 
      Critically analyse complex contemporary business issues using 
    appropriate models and make reasoned recommendations based 
    on a synthesis of theory and evidence 
      Present complex business analyses and information 
    appropriately to differing audiences using clear and fluent 
    written communication 
    Aligned professional 
      Critically apply advanced theoretical and technical 
    knowledge and skills. 
      Justify and communicate advice and ideas. 
    Group or individual  Individual 
    2000 word limit for the report and the reflection (excluding 
    Due date  Jan 27, 2017 @ 2359 Cairns Time 
    You are required to analyze and report on a publicly listed company. You are expected to complete 
    certain tasks outlined below and prepare a report. 
    You may select ONE of the following two companies to write on: 
    Both these firms are publicly listed on the Australia Stock Exchange [ASX]. Qantas as you know is a 
    leading airline and Woolworths is one of the largest retailers globally. 
    Company:          Download the 2015 ANNUAL REPORT for your selected company  
    Download from: 
    Library Database - Datanalysis http://libguides.jcu.edu.au/az.php?a=d 
    Annual Reports are the bottom URL on the Left-Hand Menu. 
    [Please refer to the guide at the end of this Assessment Brief on how to access Datanalysis]. 
    You will be required to search for data as part of the assignment to find financial information such as the 
    firm’s beta and the current risk free rate (e.g. for a 10-year investment, the Commonwealth Government 
    10-year Treasury Bond yield is appropriate). Through the JCU library website you can access the 
    Morningstar database (Datanalysis). Searching other websites such as the Reserve Bank of Australia is 
    also required. In all cases you must note where you obtained information from and the date of access as 
    part of your referencing. 
     4)  TASKS: 
    1.  Calculate the Weighted Average Cost of Capital [WACC] using an appropriate technique. 
    2.  Explain your calculations and the judgements you made in arriving at your answer. 
    3.  Calculate gearing ratios and describe any difficulties in doing so. 
    4.  Analyze your findings with reference to capital structure theory. 
    5.  Provide a recommendation to the Board on the firm’s current capital structure. 
    6.  Provide a reflection on your work and your report. 
    Points to Consider: 
    In undertaking your reflection, consider the following (Hint it is helpful to keep notes on your sources of 
    information in addition to the ones you chose). 
      What weights should we use when calculating the WACC, market value weights or 
    accounting book values? To do this find the market value of equity (no. of shares times the 
    share price) and the market value of financial debt (if no traded debt you may need to use 
    accounting book values) then compare the weight calculations with those calculated using 
    book values (shareholder funds plus total financial debt). Do they differ and what would you 
      What risk free rate would you use – 30 day, 3 month, 6 month 1 year, 3 year, 10 year, of 30 
    year? Would it make a difference? 
      Should you use a published beta such as that available on the Morning Star Data Base 
    (Datanalysis in the Library), calculate the beta yourself (you can get share prices and market 
    indexes from Yahoo Finance), or pay someone to do it for you/ 
      Do you calculate a return on the market or use the spread between the market and the risk 
    free rate (6% to 8% premium according to research). 
      Do you use the debt expense as per the accounts or some indicator rate? 
    BX2014 Financial Management 代写
    5)  OUTPUT 
    Please note that you are required to write a report. The report should be 2000 words long 
    [exclusive of appendices]. The report and appendices should be in the form of ONE Word 
    document. Any relevant tables / graphs / charts / excel output – should be in the appendices. In 
    the appendices only include data that is relevant to your explanations, calculations and 
    assumptions. Please do not include any live / active cells. Excel data should be in picture format 
    [copy / paste].  
    Carefully review and understand the Assessment Criteria. These are the SAME as in your 
    Subject Outline. You will be graded based on your clarity of expression, assumptions, analysis, 
    insights and conclusions.  
    Unable to distinguish between 
    practical choices when 
    considering the majority of 
    options available in 
    calculating a WACC 
    Able to use theory to distinguish 
    between some practical choices 
    but does not display an in-depth 
    knowledge of the theory 
    available in calculating a WACC 
    Able to use theory to distinguish 
    between practical choices when 
    considering majority of options 
    available in calculating a WACC 
    BX2014 Financial Management 代写
    Demonstrates interest in and 
    engagement with their own 
    experiences as a learner. 
    Makes assessments of their 
    own capabilities and 
    performance that demonstrate 
    some accuracy. 
    Identifies both areas of 
    accomplishment and areas for 
    further improvement in relation 
    to their own knowledge, skill 
    development and personal 
    approaches to learning and 
    Demonstrates accurate judgement 
    of capabilities and performance to 
    recognize key areas for success 
    in both professional and personal 
    Reviews past experiences to 
    describe and interpret 
    experiences with some depth. 
    Demonstrates some level of 
    contemplation as to how the 
    new insights may be applied 
    in the future. 
    Reviews past experiences to 
    interpret and evaluate 
    experiences in depth. 
    Demonstrates sound level of 
    contemplation as to how the 
    new insights may be applied in 
    the future. 
    Review prior learning in depth, 
    revealing fully clarified meanings. 
    Demonstrating a synthesis of life 
    experiences resulting in a deep 
    understanding of oneself and 
    others and an ability to flex, adapt, 
    and accommodate oneself to 
    others and extant situations. 
    Demonstrates a basic 
    understanding of context, 
    audience, focus and purpose 
    of assigned task (e.g.: 
    displays a basic awareness 
    of audience’s requirements 
    Demonstrates a sound 
    understanding of context, 
    audience, focus and purpose of 
    assigned task (e.g.: displays 
    awareness and reasonable 
    alignment with audience, purpose 
    and context). 
    Demonstrates a high level 
    understanding of context, 
    audience, focus and purpose of 
    assigned task (e.g.: displays 
    alignment with audience, 
    purpose and context). 
    Logical flow, critical 
    analysis, clear & relevant 
    outcomes; concise and 
    Demonstrates basic ability  to 
    organise content in a logical, 
    concise and cohesive 
    manner with basic critical 
    analysis, and outcomes 
    supported with evidence. 
    Demonstrates sound ability to 
    organise content in a logical, 
    concise and cohesive manner 
    with sound critical analysis, and 
    outcomes supported with clear 
    Demonstrates a high level of 
    ability to organise content in a 
    logical, concise and cohesive 
    manner with high level critical 
    analysis, and outcomes 
    supported with quality evidence 
    Control of Syntax 
    and Mechanics 
    Sentence construction; 
    grammar; punctuation & 
    Uses appropriate language 
    that generally conveys 
    meaning to the readers, 
    although writing may include 
    some errors. 
    Uses appropriate language that 
    conveys meaning to readers with 
    clarity and minimal errors. 
    Uses appropriate language at a 
    high level that conveys meaning 
    to readers with clarity, and is 
    virtually error-free. 
    BX2014 Financial Management 代写