代写 MAE256 T2 2016 – Assignment
代写 MAE256 T2 2016 – Assignment
MAE256 T2 2016 – Assignment Details
Due Date : 16 September, Friday
Word Limit : 1500 words excluding appendices, figures and tables.
Weight : 20% of overall final grade.
General Details
(1) This is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment. We strongly discourage plagiarism, as it will
be penalized as much as possible. However, it is not collusion if you discuss the
questions with other students, but you need to submit your own original work.
Note that we may request you come in and explain your assignment in person if we
feel your assignment is too similar to another students’ work.
(2) This assignment has 3 parts and has in total 20 marks that correspond to 20% of
your final grade.
(3) Once completed, you will need to submit your ‘Microsoft Word’ document via
CloudDeakin. You must submit a single file only that contains a cover page with your
name and student ID.
Please do not submit it as a PDF as we will be doing a word count. Any tables, figures
and appendices will be included in the word count so use them wisely.
Please ensure the Word document is self-contained (i.e. all your tables and figures
should be in the word document). You will not need to submit a hardcopy.
(4) In this assignment you are examining the relationship between the annual US GDP
growth and the annual US domestic investment growth for the period 1960 to 2014.
You are also investigating the extent to which factors such as GDPs of US importers,
the bilateral distance, the geographical closeness and the cultural similarities
between the US and foreign markets determine the volume of US exports to those
In this assignment, you will use two following datasets:
(1) Excel file MAE256_2016Tri2_USGrowth contains data on US annual GDP growth
rate (gdpgrowth) and US annual investment growth (investment) for the period
1960 to 2014. The data are obtained from the World Bank Development
Indicators Database (http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-
(2) Excel file MAE256_2016Tri2_USBilateralExports includes data on US bilateral
exports in 2014. Specifically, the dataset includes the following variables:
importer: name of the importer (i.e., a country) of US exports
border: dummy variable that is equal to 1 if the US and the importer share
common border and equal to zero otherwise
language: dummy variable that is equal to 1 if the US and the importer share
the same language
export: by the US to the importer
logexport: the volume of exports in (natural) logarithm by the US to the
logdistance: the bilateral distance in (natural) logarithm between the US and
the importer
代写 MAE256 T2 2016 – Assignment
loggdp: the GDP of the importer in (natural) logarithm
The data of US bilateral exports have been sourced from the UN COMTRADE Database
Part 1: Descriptive Statistics and Hypothesis Testing
a) Using Excel, compute and present the descriptive statistics for the volume of US exports
to foreign markets (export in file MAE256_2016Tri2_USBilateralExports ): mean,
median, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. Provide a brief interpretation
of these descriptive statistics.
b) Compute and present the same descriptive statistics above for annual US population
growth (population in file MAE256_2016Tri2_USGrowth ).
Test the hypothesis that the mean annual US population growth is less than 1%. Use the
1% level of significance. What conclusion do you reach if you choose the 10% level of
significance instead? Explain your answer thoroughly.
[2 + 3 = 5 Marks]
Part 2: Simple Linear Regression Analysis
and Hypothesis Testing
a) Using data from Excel file MAE256_2016Tri2_USGrowth , estimate the following
regression model:
???_?????ℎ ? = ? 0 + ? 1 ?????????? ? + ? ?
Provide a full discussion of the regression results.
Test the null hypothesis that the US annual domestic investment growth has no
effect on the US annual GDP growth (i.e. H o : ? 0 =0 vs. H1: ? 1 ≠0). Use the level of
significance α = 5%.
b) Using data from Excel file MAE256_2016Tri2_USBilateralExports, estimate the
following regression of the US bilateral exports on the bilateral distance between
the US and the foreign market j:
????????? ??,? = ? 0 + ? 1 ??????????? ??,? + ? ?
Present the regression results and provide a full interpretation of the intercept and the
slope coefficient estimates of ? 0 and ? 1 . Given the regression results, what happens
to the US exports if the bilateral distance between the US and foreign markets decreases
by 50%?
c) Conduct a hypothesis test to see if a 100% increase in the bilateral distance between
the US and the foreign markets will reduce US bilateral exports by more than 150%.
Please show all the steps for the hypothesis test and use the level of significance of 5%.
[2+2+2 = 6 Marks]
Part 3: Multiple Regression Analysis
and Hypothesis Testing
a) Using data from Excel file MAE256_2016Tri2_USBilateralExports, estimate the
following gravity model of US bilateral exports:
????????? ??,? = ? 0 + ? 1 ?????? ? + ? 2 ??????????? ??,? + ? 3 ?????? ??,?
+ ? 4 ???????? ??,? +? ??,?
where ????????? ??,? is the volume of bilateral exports, ??????????? ??,? is the
bilateral distance between the US and foreign country j, ?????? ??,? is a dummy
variable measuring whether or not the US and the importer have a common border,
and ???????? ??,? is a dummy variable measuring whether or not the US and foreign
country j speak the same language.
Provide a detailed discussion and interpretation of the intercept and the slope
coefficients. Are all of the results expected? In the case that the results contradict
your expectation, provide a potential explanation(s).
b) Based on the multiple regression results you had in Part 3a, test the joint significance
of the variables loggdp, logdistance, border and language using 5% level of
significance. Show your steps and calculation.
[5 + 4 = 9 Marks]
代写 MAE256 T2 2016 – Assignment