代写 INTR1002 Product Website
INTR1002 Product Website Feb2016
Assignment: Pick A Colour Product Website
Due Date: Week 10 March 15
% of Final Grade: 25%
What’s the best colour? Red? Blue? Purple? Chartreuse?
Choose one colour to “sell” as the best colour. Research, design, and build a functioning 2 page
website that markets that colour.
Your website must include the following: Menu; Heading; About Section; Contact Section;
Colour “Features” Section
Create a competitive analysis of the websites of 5 other
websites that use your colour, or that you think sell a
product well.
Due before
start of class
Create a site map. Include pages, sections, and content. Due before
start of class
Create wireframes for the site in mobile, and web layouts.
Be sure to label all elements of the wireframes in an
organized way.
Due before
start of class
Design Create a style guide that shows colours, fonts, and styles
of the site’s main elements (such as buttons and icons).
Due before
start of class
Design Create static mockup of the interface in a web layout. Due before
start of class
Design Create a PDF final document of all work completed
Due before
start of class
Develop Build your website (web layout only) using HTML & CSS.
Be sure to include a main page and at least one
secondary page.
Due before
start of class
Project Grade Breakdown:
Requirement Description % of Grade
1 Research 5%
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INTR1002 Product Website Feb2016
2 Information Architecture 20%
3 Design 30%
4 Development 45%
Your checklist for this project:
● Research (5%)
○ 5 brands researched (minimum)
○ Observations and Analysis
■ information architecture
■ branding
■ other categories (minimum of 2)
● Site Map (5%)
○ Correct Content Hierarchy
○ Clear Site Map
○ Thoughtful Layout
● Wireframes (15%)
○ Mobile Wireframe
○ Web Wireframe
○ Elements are labelled and described
○ Thoughtful Layout
○ Clear Design
○ Evidence of research applied
● Style Guide (10%)
○ colours included
○ fonts included
○ element styles included
○ labels and descriptions of all content
○ styles make sense in final design
● Mock Ups (10%)
○ Website Mockup
○ Thoughtful Design
○ Evidence of research applied
○ Is it viable?
○ Presentation of mockups
● Final Document (10%)
○ All assets are included
○ Thoughtful design
○ Easy to read
○ Pages are titled
○ Submitted as one PDF (studentname_ProductSite.PDF)
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INTR1002 Product Website Feb2016
● Code (35%)
○ Two pages of website
○ HTML and CSS sheets included
○ Element hierarchy in HTML makes sense (eg. Head before Body)
○ Notes are written in code to explain sections of HTML and CSS respectively
○ Hierarchy of CSS styles relates to content hierarchy in HTML page
○ Files are organized and labelled in a way that makes sense
● Website (10%)
○ All elements from original mock up are included
■ partial marks for elements that are included but not properly styled (if styling is too
○ Does the layout look like the mockup?
Possible extra marks for this assignment:
● uses more advanced CSS (like hover states)
● more than 2 pages were submitted
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代写 INTR1002 Product Website