SUSTAINABILITY BUS2SUS Assessment Task Three Part A 代写
SUSTAINABILITY BUS2SUS Assessment Task Three Part A 代写
Assessment Task Three Part A: GROUP REPORT Due Date % SILOs Assessed
Activism campaign appraisal (5 students per group, 3000 words in total) Sun 14 May before 11:59pm 25% 1,2,3,4
Submission Details
Submission via LMS through Turnitin
Grading Criteria and Feedback
Refer to the end of this document for grading criteria. This is a summative assessment, so students will not receive feedback on this
Description of Task
In teams, students are expected to research, analyse and critically appraise an existing activism campaign aimed at addressing a social or
environmental issue.
Each team is required to choose ONE campaign from a list, which will be provided to them as the basis for their critical analysis and appraisal
of the campaign objectives, planning, design and outcomes. Teams are required to research, analyse and present the findings in an executive
business report. Further details on the assessment can be found on Page 17.
SUSTAINABILITY BUS2SUS Assessment Task Three Part A 代写