代写 CAD Basic Drawing

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  • 代写 CAD Basic Drawing

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    Chapter 2: Basic Drawing
    - Part II : Object Snaps
    As before simplify the workspace by adding Draw, Modify and Standard toolbars and closing other features on
    workspace. You may use following Macro.
    _-TOOLBAR Draw _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Modify _Show
    _-TOOLBAR Standard _Show
    _-TOOLBAR CloudWorx _Hide
    代写 CAD Basic Drawing
    Use Object Snaps
    In this exercise, you create geometry using running object snaps and object snap overrides. When you have completed the
    exercise, you will be able to use object snaps to create and edit geometry.
    Note : The exercise covers most but not all objects snaps.
    Exercise Steps
    1. Open Object-Snaps.dwg.
    2.  On the Status Bar, make sure the following setting is on:
    -  Object Snap (OSNAP in older versions)
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    3.  On the Status Bar, right-click Osnap. Click Settings. In the Drafting Settings dialog box on the Object Snap tab, set the
    running object snaps as shown in the following image. Click OK.
    4.  On the Draw toolbar, click Line. Select the endpoints as shown in the following image. Note the appearance of the object
    snap. Press ENTER to end the Line command.
    5.  Press ENTER to repeat the line command. Use the endpoint object snap to create another line right next to the previous one.
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    6.  On the Draw toolbar, click Circle.
    •  Touch the outer circle and you should see the center object snap marker. When the marker appears, click to select
    the center point.
    •  Enter  6  and press ENTER.
    •  Your circle should appear as shown in the following image.
    7.  Repeat the Circle command for the other three corners of the part.
    Tip:  AutoCAD remembers the last radius value used, so when you are prompted for the radius, press ENTER.
    8.  Over the next few steps, you will use the object snap overrides to create geometry on the part.
    9.  On the Draw toolbar, click Line.
    •  SHIFT+right-click and select Quadrant on the shortcut menu.
    •  Select the lower part of the circle on the bottom-left of the part.
    •  SHIFT+right-click and select Perpendicular on the shortcut menu.
    •  Select the vertical line on the part. Press ENTER to end the line command.
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    10.  Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the part.
    11.  On the Draw toolbar, click Circle.
    •  SHIFT+right-click and select Node on the shortcut menu.
    •  Select the point object on the left side of the part.
    •  SHIFT+right-click and select Tangent on the shortcut menu.
    •  Select the larger of the two circles as shown. Look for the Tangent object snap marker.
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    12.  On the command line, enter  trim  and press ENTER.
    Note:  The Trim command will be covered in greater detail later.
    •  Select the two circle as shown and press ENTER.
    •  Select the larger circle outside the smaller circle in the area shown. Press ENTER.
    13.  On the Draw toolbar, click Circle.
    •  SHIFT+right-click and select Midpoint on the shortcut menu.
    •  Click near the midpoint of the center line.
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    •  Touch point (1) in the following image, then move the cursor towards the centerline and click when you see the
    intersection marker at point (2) in the following image.
    14.  Repeat the previous step for the other two circles.
    Note:  Both tracking lines are shown in the following image to illustrate the points you should use for projection. Only one
    tracking line will be visible at a time.
    15.  Save and close all files.
    Use Polar Tracking and PolarSnap
    In this exercise, you create lines at precise distances and angles using polar tracking and PolarSnap. When you have completed
    the exercise, you will be able to use the polar tracking and PolarSnap features to create precise geometry.
    Exercise Steps
    1.  Open Roller.dwg.
    2.  On the Status bar make sure the following settings are on:
    •  Object Snap
    •  Polar Tracking
    •  Object Snap Tracking
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    In version 2015
    In earlier versions
    3.  Left-click Polar Tracking drop down arrow. Click Tracking Settings.
    4.  In the Drafting Settings dialog box, Polar tab, select 45 from the Increment Angle list.
    •  Under Polar Angle Measurement, click Absolute.
    •  Click the Snap and Grid tab.
    5.  On the Snap Mode drop down menu, click Snap Settings.
    •  Enter  1  in the Polar Distance field. Tick Snap on. Click Polar Snap.
    •  Click the Object Snap tab.
    6.  On the Object Snap tab, make sure Endpoint and Node are selected. Click OK.
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    7.  On the Draw toolbar, click Line. Select the line's start point. Drag the cursor to the right until the polar tracking tooltip
    reads 25.0000 < 0 degrees, then click the point.
    8.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 15.00 < 45 and click the point.
    9.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 25.00 < 0 and click the point.
    10.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 15.00 < 315 and click the point.
    11.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 25.00 < 0 and click the point.
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    12.  Move the cursor upwards until the polar tracking cursor reads 70.00 < 90 and click the point.
    13.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 25.00 < 180 and click the point.
    14.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 15.00 < 225 and click the point.
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    15.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 25.00 < 180 and click the point.
    16.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 15.00 < 135 and click the point.
    17.  Position the cursor so the polar angle tooltip reads 25.00 < 180 and click the point.
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    18.  Right-click anywhere in the graphics window. Click Close.
    19.  Right-click anywhere in the graphics window. Click Repeat Line.
    •  Click the endpoints indicated in the following image. Press ESC to end the Line command.
    20.  Repeat the Line command and draw the line segments indicated in the following image.
    21.  Save and close all files.
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    Use Object Snap Tracking
    In this exercise, you use object snap tracking to create a side view of the part. After completing this lesson you will be able to use
    object snap tracking in other drawings.
    In the process you will attempt to draw side view of an object.
    Exercise Steps
    1. Open Object-Tracking.dwg.
    2.  On the status bar make sure the following settings are turned on:
    •  Polar Tracking
    •  Object Snap
    •  Object Snap tracking 
    3.  Click Object Snap pull down arrow and click Object Snap Settings.
    4.  In the Drafting Settings dialog box, select the running object snaps as shown in the following image.
    5.  On the Draw toolbar, click Rectangle.
    •  Acquire the lower-right corner of the existing shape and move the mouse to the right along the extension path.
    •  Enter 40 in the Dynamic Input field. Press ENTER.
    •  Move the cursor up and to the right.
    •  Enter  31.75, 69.85 . Press ENTER.
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    6.  Right-click and select Repeat Rectangle.
    •  Select the lower-right corner of the previous rectangle as the start point.
    •  Enter  17.53, 25.4 . Press ENTER.
    7.  On the Draw toolbar, click Line.
    •  Select the top right corner of the first rectangle.
    •  Move the cursor to the right at 0 degrees and enter  90.55 . Press ENTER.
    8.  Move the cursor to acquire a tracking point from the lower-right corner of the second rectangle and track back to the line until
    the angle shows 90 degrees. Click to select the point.
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    9.  Move the cursor to the left and enter  46.1 . Press ENTER.
    10.  Acquire the point where the arc and angled line meet (1) and track back to the point where the current line meets the tracking
    line (2). Click the intersection of the alignment paths.
    11.  Acquire the midpoint of the top line of the second rectangle and track upwards until you get to the intersection of the two
    tracking lines. Click that point.
    Source : AutoCAD Training Courseware  Page 15 of 15
    12.  Select the midpoint of the top line of the second rectangle. Press ENTER to complete the line command.
    13.  Save and close all files.
    代写 CAD Basic Drawing