SPSS HOMEWORK 1 (Due Thursday, March 10th)
1.To complete this homework, please download the dataset (“SPSS_AMC_HW1Stu” located under “SPSS Instruction & Practice”à”Dataset” folder). Data recorded in the dataset is collected from AMC 2015 General Membership Questionnaire (See “Questionnaire Section”)
2. The total score of this homework is 100 points.
1. Import the dataset “SPSS_AMC_HW1Stu” into SPSS. Please answer the following questions (10 Points):
(a) How many respondents’ answers are included in the dataset?
(b) How many variables are included in this dataset?
(c) Under “Variable View”, we notice that in Question 2: “How long have you been a member of AMC”, the variable label is not coded. Please code this variable “Q2 - ” and use “Analyze àDescriptive Statistics àFrequency” to check if this variable is correctly coded.
2. Frequency (40 points):
1) (10 points)To understand the age structure for all respondents, please create a frequency table for Question 6 (“In which age group do you fall?”), export the table and answer the following questions:
a. Are there any missing data under variable “age”? If so, how many records are missing?
b. What age group does most respondents fall into? After figuring out the age group that most respondents fall into, please specify the number and percentage of respondents in that age group.
2) (10 points) Create a frequency table for Question 7: “What is your gender?” Export the frequency table and answer the following questions:
a. Are there any missing data under variable “gender”? If so, how many records are missing?
b. What is the percentage of female respondents? And what is the percentage of male respondents?
3) (10 points) AMC wants to know how members first heard about AMC (see Question 1). Please create a frequency table, export it and identify the information source through which most respondents first heard about AMC.
4) (10 points) AMC wants to understand how its members would prefer to learn about AMC’s conservation efforts. Please create and export the cross-tabulation table between “gender” variable and the variable used in Question 5. Which channel gets the highest percentage of the male respondents? Which channel gets the highest percentage of the female respondents?
3. Descriptive Analysis (20 points)
Question 4 (“How important to you are the following components of AMC’s work?”) uses a 5-point Likert scale to understand various member attitudes. Please generate a descriptive statistics table (including mean, standard deviation, range, maximum, minimum), export the table and answer the following question:
a. (10 points) What is the average attitude score on “Land preservation & other conservation efforts”? What is the average attitude score on “Local chapter activities”? If 1 represents “not at all important”, 5 represents “very important”, please interpret both results.
b. (10 points) When comparing the average member’s attitude score on “Local chapter activities” and “Outdoor leadership and skills training”, which variable is rated higher by respondents? Please use results generated from the descriptive statistics table (e.g. mean, standard deviation) to explain.
4. T-test (30 Points)
AMC developed Question 4 (“How important to you are the following components of AMC’s work?”) to understand an array of member attitudes. Please conduct two t-tests, export the t-test result tables and answer the following questions:
1)(15 points) AMC believes that its members’ average attitude score on “Local chapter activities” should be higher than the midpoint, which is 3 (1 represents “not at all important”, 5 represents “very important”).
Conduct a t-test to determine if members’ average attitude score on “Local chapter activities” is significantly different from 3, given a 5% level of significance. Please specify the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis and draw conclusion based upon the result from t-test.
2) (15 points) AMC wants to know if member’s attitude on “Outdoor leadership and skills training” is significantly different between male and female groups. Conduct a t-test to determine if female member’s average attitude score on “Outdoor leadership and skills training” is significantly different from male member’s average attitude score, given a 5% level of significance. Please specify the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis and draw conclusion based upon the result from t-test.
SPSS Homework 1 (Questionnaire Section)
Below is 8 questions extracted from AMC’s 2015 General Membership Questionnaire.
1. How did you first hear about AMC? Please check one
(1) From a friend or relative
(2) Through a volunteer or volunteer experience
(3) From an AMC table or booth at an event
(4) Through an AMC chapter
(5) By participating in an AMC program
(6) At an AMC lodge, hut, or camp
(7) From an AMC book or map
(8) From a trail sign or trailhead kiosk
(9) From a school, scouting, or community group
(10) From an offer in the mail
(11) From an internet search or AMC’s website
(12) From the media (a news article or feature)
(13) From social media
(14) Others
2. How long have you been a member of AMC?
(1) 1 year
(2) 2-5 years
(3) 6-10 years
(4) 11-24 years
(5) 25+ years
3. Choosing the sentence completions that you feel accurately describe AMC’s community:
AMC is welcoming to… (Please check all that apply)
(1) People like me
(2) People of all ages
(3) People who are new to the outdoors
(4) People with advanced outdoor skills
(5) People of all outdoor activity interests
4. How important to you are the following components of AMC’s work? (1 represents “not at all”, 2,3,4,5 “very important”)
a. Trail maintenance
b. Land preservation & other conservation efforts
c. Lodging opportunities
d. Local chapter activities
e. Volunteer opportunities
f. Outdoor leadership and skills training
g. Environmental education for youth
5. How would you prefer to learn about AMC’s conservation efforts?
(1) AMC website
(2) Email alerts
(3) AMC Outdoors magazine
(4) Educational materials at AMC facilities
(5) I’m not interested in learning about AMC’s conservation efforts
6. In which age group do you fall? Please check one.
(1) Under 18 (6) 50-59
(2) 18-24 (7) 60-69
(3) 25-29 (8) 70-79
(4) 30-39 (9) 80+
(5) 40-49
7. What is your gender?
(1) Female
(2) Male
(3) Other
(4) Prefer not to specify
8. Which of the following best describe your total annual household income from all sources?
(1) Under $25,000
(2) 25,000-$49,999
(3) $50,000-$74,999
(4) $75,000-$99,999
(5) $100,000-$199,999
(6) $200,000 or more
(7) I prefer not to respond