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  • ACCT1106  会计BUSINESS​​ ​​DESIGN​​ ​​PROJECT  assignment 代写

    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    BUSINESS​​ ​​DESIGN​​ ​​PROJECT​​ ​​-​​ ​​STAGE​​ ​​1
    Business​​ ​​Information​​ ​​Needs​​ ​​and​​ ​​the​​ ​​Recording​​ ​​Process
    Team​​ ​​Assessment​​ ​​-​​ ​​15​​ ​​marks
    This project has two stages. Stage 1 and 2 are a team based assessment. Details regarding
    stage 2 will be provided later in the semester. This document contains the details for stage 1
    and​ ​explains​ ​how​ ​stages​ ​1​ ​and​ ​2​ ​are​ ​designed​ ​to​ ​achieve​ ​two​ ​major​ ​objectives:
    ● the​ ​development/enhancement​ ​of​ ​your​ ​generic​ ​skills;​ ​and
    ● the development / enhancement and application of the technical knowledge covered
    in​ ​the​ ​initial​ ​topics​ ​in​ ​this​ ​course.
    A major objective of this course is to develop your behavioural skills or more specifically
    personal and interpersonal skills (See Appendix 1 of the ​Working Effectively in Teams
    manual). This project offers you the opportunity to further develop these skills through team
    work where successful completion of the project will be dependent on skills such as listening
    effectively, presenting, discussing and defending views, negotiating with team members,
    understanding​ ​team​ ​dynamics​ ​and​ ​collaboration.
    For this reason this project is a relatively complex task requiring a basic understanding of the
    business environment in Australia, basic accounting concepts, information processing skills
    and so forth. This combination of requirements means that successful completion is unlikely
    without the combined effort of your team. This combined effort does not simply mean
    dissecting the assignment into parts and allocating a part to each team member. Teams that
    have received high marks in previous semesters typically had a ​strong shared
    understanding of their project​​. This was often achieved by requesting individual team
    members to gain expertise in specific aspects of the project and then sharing this expertise
    with the rest of the team. This sharing was not a one way transmission but a two way
    dialogue that relied on the personal and interpersonal skills listed above, resulting in a
    shared understanding of all aspects of the task. In addition the learning opportunities offered
    by active participation in this project are an essential part of your opportunity to learn the
    basic technical skills of an accountant and lay the foundation for your successful progression
    both through this accounting course and the MPA. Some of the technical learning from this
    assignment​ ​will​ ​be​ ​included​ ​on​ ​the​ ​final​ ​examination.
    Assessment of this project will include feedback from your team members as to the effective
    participation of each member. Working as a team you are required to determine the
    information requirements of a small business and maintain the accounting records for this
    business. Initially (stage 1) you will be required to describe the business, and create a range
    of sample transactions which you will then manually process through to thepresentation of
    financial statements. Stage 2 introduces MYOB and requires you to respond to the feedback
    you received from your Stage 1 submission. That is, Stage 2 requires you to create an
    amended chart of accounts and process your amended/corrected transactions using MYOB,
    ensure the financial reports have taken into account feedback provided by your tutor and
    then reconcile all differences between your previously submitted Stage 1 results and your
    current Stage 2 results. Further details about the requirements for Stage 2 will be placed on
    blackboard​ ​later.
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    Your team must choose a retail/service business. An example of a retail/service business is
    a dog-grooming business that sells a range of dog grooming accessories such as dog
    brushes and combs (retail) and also provides a dog grooming service where customers can
    bring their dogs to have their fur trimmed/cut, washed, dried, have their ears cleaned and
    their nails clipped. That is, a full grooming service for their dog/s (service). For the retail
    aspect, you need to choose products that your business buys and then resells at a higher
    price. Do ​not choose a restaurant, a take away food business or food manufacturer or a
    manufacturing​ ​business.
    You are required to describe and analyse the business and its financial information
    requirements with the objective of creating an appropriately classified Chart of Accounts that
    will meet these requirements. Your team should also outline important factors that influence
    the design of the recording system (this will be done in the Google sheet that follows) such
    ● form​ ​of​ ​business​ ​ownership
    ● the​ ​single​ ​(one)​ ​service​ ​you​ ​are​ ​providing
    ● the​ ​two​ ​products​ ​that​ ​you​ ​are​ ​selling
    ● terms​ ​and​ ​conditions​ ​you​ ​offer​ ​to​ ​customers
    ● terms​ ​and​ ​conditions​ ​offered​ ​by​ ​your​ ​various​ ​suppliers
    ● your team should also be aware of the relevant procedures to assist in the determination
    of the treatment of transactions where a range of possibilities as to the treatment exist. To
    assist in this task these procedures have been provided for your business. (See
    Procedures and/or Assumptions worksheet) in the Google Sheet. You will also be required
    to undertake various roles in the team that relate to the operation of the team and the
    operations of the business. You will be required to specify your team roles in the Business
    Details​ ​worksheet​ ​(in​ ​the​ ​Google​ ​Sheet).
    The following notes are aimed to assist you in determining the amount of detail
    required in your ​​transaction descriptions ​​, to clarify uncertainty regarding ​​discounts
    and​​ ​​to​​ ​​explain​​ ​​what​​ ​​is​​ ​​meant​​ ​​by​​ ​​​​terms​​ ​​and​​ ​​conditions​​:
    ● Any​ ​amounts​ ​that​ ​require​ ​rounding​ ​are​ ​to​ ​be​ ​rounded​ ​off​ ​to​ ​two​ ​decimal​ ​places.
    ● Where a cash/trade discount is offered the sale/purchase value is recorded at the
    discounted price. ​Note: a
    cash/trade discount is
    to a
    discount offered for
    prompt settlement (payment) of an account
    (where a discount is applied for
    payment of an outstanding account within a specified amount of time and is
    ● For credit transactions you must state the name of the supplier/customer and this
    name​ ​​must​​​ ​have​ ​been​ ​included​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Business​ ​Details​ ​worksheet.
    ● For transactions involving goods/stock/inventory items, you must state the item name,
    quantity​ ​involved,​ ​unit​ ​price​ ​and/or​ ​unit​ ​cost.
    ● For transactions involving supplies, you must include a description of the supply
    involved​ ​and​ ​the​ ​total​ ​value​ ​of​ ​the​ ​transaction.
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    ● For transactions involving fees revenue, you must name the type of service/fee, and
    describe​ ​how​ ​the​ ​fee​ ​was​ ​calculated.
    ● Where GST is relevant to a transaction you must state whether the amount shown
    includes​ ​GST​ ​(GST​ ​inclusive)​ ​or​ ​whether​ ​it​ ​excludes​ ​GST​ ​(GST​ ​exclusive).
    ● Terms and conditions (also referred to as Terms of Credit) reflect what has been
    agreed upon between your business and your suppliers and customers in regard to
    credit purchases and credit sales respectively. For example, 2%/10, n30 reflects that
    a 2% discount will be applied if the account is paid within 10 days of the
    sale/purchase. If it is not paid within this time frame, the discount no longer applies
    and the net amount (total) is due within 30 days. Such a discounts is also referred to
    as a ​discount for prompt payment ​as it is used to encourage payment of an account
    There​ ​are​ ​3​ ​documents​ ​available​ ​that​ ​relate​ ​to​ ​this​ ​assessment:
    ● Business Design Project - Stage 1 Instructions and Information Sheet (Google Doc)
    ● Business Design Project Stage 1 2017s2 (Google Sheet) - the link is provided in this
    ● Individual​ ​Evaluation​ ​form​ ​(Google​ ​Form)​ ​-​ ​the​ ​link​ ​is​ ​provided​ ​later​ ​in​ ​this​ ​document.
    1. You​​ ​​must​​ ​​read​​ ​​this​​ ​​entire​​ ​​document​​ ​​first​​ ​​before​​ ​​moving​​ ​​to​​ ​​step​​ ​​2.
    2. ONLY
    i. Open the ​“MASTER” copy of the BDP Stage 1 2017s2 ​Workbook (Google
    Sheet) using this ​link​. NOTE: You MUST use your ​RMIT STUDENT EMAIL
    ACCOUNT. ​​You will NOT be able to access these documents using a private
    google account. ​This is a master copy that everyone in our course can see so
    ensure you make your own copy of it for your team by following instructions
    ii. Go to File/Make a Copy and ​RENAME the copy sheet using the following
    file​ ​name:​ ​​<your​​ ​​team​​ ​​name>​​ ​​201702​​ ​​ACCT​​ ​​1106
    iii. Share the sheet you have renamed with your team members (using their
    RMIT​ ​student​ ​email​ ​addresses).
    iii.1. Click​ ​on​ ​the​ ​​​ ​Share​ ​​​ ​icon​ ​(top​ ​right​ ​hand​ ​corner​ ​of​ ​document)
    iii.2. Enter​ ​your​ ​team​ ​member’s​ ​RMIT​ ​email​ ​addresses​ ​​only
    iii.3. Select​ ​​EDIT​​​​ ​​​​access.
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    iv. You MUST do the above steps BEFORE working on the google sheet
    otherwise any information you enter will be visible to ALL students in
    this​​ ​​course.
    v. The BDP Stage 1 2017s2 ​Workbook is like an excel sheet that contains the
    following ​worksheets ​and some additional instructions are also provided in
    individual​ ​worksheets​ ​where​ ​required:
    i. Business​ ​Details
    ii. Chart​ ​of​ ​Accounts
    iii. Transaction​ ​List
    iv. Procedures​ ​and/or​ ​Assumptions
    v. Transactions​ ​and​ ​General​ ​Journal
    vi. Stock​ ​Cards
    vii. General​ ​Ledger
    viii. Trial​ ​Balance
    ix. Income​ ​Statement
    x. Balance​ ​Sheet
    xi. Statement​ ​of​ ​Cash​ ​Flows
    xii. Check​ ​and​ ​Mark​ ​Sheet
    3. Complete​ ​the​ ​Business​ ​Details​ ​worksheet.​ ​Refer​ ​to​ ​the​ ​instructions​ ​in​ ​the​ ​worksheet.
    4. Prepare a classified chart of accounts for your business (no more than 55 ledger
    accounts). Your chart of accounts ​must include all of the accounts listed in the
    opening trial balance provided below. Assets and liabilities must be classified into
    current and non-current and a coding system must be used. Note: a copy of the
    Opening Ledger Account Balances (below) can also be found in the Chart of
    Accounts​ ​worksheet.
    Opening​​ ​​Ledger​​ ​​Account​​ ​​Balances
    Account​​ ​​Name Debit Credit
    Accounts​ ​payable 11,000
    Accounts​ ​receivable 9,000
    Prepaid​ ​rent 18,000
    Inventory 10,000
    Cash​ ​at​ ​Bank 132,500
    Capital​ ​or​ ​Share​ ​Capital
    154,000 Select​ ​appropriate​ ​account​ ​for​ ​business​ ​type
    GST​ ​Payable 10,500
    Stock​ ​of​ ​supplies 6,000
    175,500 175,500 - 
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    5. Create sample transactions that are representative of the transactions your business
    may​ ​have​ ​during​ ​normal​ ​trading​ ​conditions.
    (i) ​​To achieve this you are required to prepare a detailed table (see Transactions and
    General Journal worksheet) of 22 ​realistic transactions for ​the month of August
    2017 for your business. You are to assume that the business has an Australian
    Business Number (ABN) and collects and pays GST on all relevant transactions
    using the non-cash (accrual) basis for GST. ​Note that your business will be using
    one​​ ​​account​​ ​​for​​ ​​GST​​ ​​–​​ ​​GST​​ ​​Payable.
    (ii) Transactions in the Transaction List worksheet have already been allocated
    transaction numbers. Each transaction in the Transactions and General Journal
    worksheet ​must be allocated the ​same respective ​​transaction number provided in
    the Transaction List and transactions must be recorded in this order. (Note: these
    transaction numbers will act as your ​reference numbers throughout all parts of this
    project​ ​and​ ​act​ ​as​ ​cross​ ​references).
    (iii) ​​Your transactions ​must ​​include examples of ​all ​​of the transactions detailed in the
    Transaction List worksheet (20 transactions). Included in the Transaction List are also
    2 transactions that you have the freedom to create. In total, this means you will have
    22​ ​transactions.​ ​​Closing​​ ​​entries​​ ​​must​​ ​​​​not​​ ​​​​be​​ ​​completed.
    (iv) ​​Stock cards must be completed for ​each ​inventory item in the ​Stock Cards
    worksheet. That is, a separate card is required for each item of inventory. As you sell
    two products, then you should have 2 inventory cards (1 for each product) so that you
    can keep track of movements in each inventory item by quantity and cost and
    determine​ ​cost​ ​of​ ​goods​ ​sold.
    6. Provide completed ledger accounts (after entering opening balances provided and
    posting your general journal entries from the Transactions and General Journal
    worksheet) in the General Ledger worksheet. ​Ledger accounts need to be in T
    format​​ ​​as​​ ​​per​​ ​​the​​ ​​format​​ ​​in​​ ​​our​​ ​​textbook.
    7. Prepare a trial balance in the ​Trial Balance worksheet ​that is based on your general
    ledger​ ​account​ ​balances.
    8. Prepare an Income Statement and fully classified Balance Sheet from the trial
    balance you complete in 7 above. They must be provided in the ​Income Statement
    and​ ​​Balance
    ​ ​respectively.
    9. Summarise the transactions recorded in the ‘cash at bank’ account in the general
    ledger and then prepare a statement of cash flows in the ​Statement of Cash Flows
    10. Individual evaluation forms must also be completed once you have completed stage 1
    of the project and prior to the submission date and time. ​Each team member ​needs
    to complete a ​separate evaluation form that evaluates each member of their team
    (including​ ​themselves!)
    Society  Semester
    ​ACCT1106  会计BUSINESS​​ ​​DESIGN​​ ​​PROJECT  assignment 代写
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    For​ ​example,​ ​for​ ​a​ ​team​ ​of​ ​three​ ​students​ ​(Jack,​ ​Jo,​ ​and​ ​Jin):
    ● EACH​ ​TEAM​ ​MEMBER​ ​will​ ​complete​ ​3​ ​individual​ ​evaluation​ ​forms
    ● Jack​ ​will​ ​complete
    ○ an​ ​individual​ ​evaluation​ ​form​ ​about​ ​himself;
    ○ an​ ​individual​ ​evaluation​ ​form​ ​evaluating​ ​Jo;​ ​and
    ○ an​ ​individual​ ​evaluation​ ​form​ ​evaluating​ ​Jin
    ● Jo and Jin would also go through the same procedure in evaluating
    themselves​ ​individually​ ​and​ ​the​ ​other​ ​team​ ​members
    ● In​ ​total,​ ​the​ ​team​ ​will​ ​have​ ​submitted​ ​9​ ​evaluation​ ​forms.
    This is completed online using Google Forms at the following link: Individual
    Evaluation Form using your RMIT student email (google) account only​​. [Right
    click​ ​on​ ​the​ ​link​ ​and​ ​select​ ​“Open​ ​Link”].
    Submission​​ ​​of​​ ​​this​​ ​​Assessment​​ ​​is​​ ​​in​​ ​​3​​ ​​parts:
    (1) Online​ ​submission​ ​through​ ​blackboard​ ​by​ ​​each​​ ​​team​​ ​​​​that​ ​includes:
    (a) Completed​ ​Google​ ​Sheet​ ​for​ ​your​ ​team​ ​containing​ ​all​ ​worksheets
    (b) Signed and scanned Assignment Cover Sheet (must be signed by all team
    members). The Assignment Cover Sheet is available at the following link:
    Assignment Cover Sheet (Right click on the link, select Open Link, then print
    out,​ ​complete,​ ​sign​ ​and​ ​scan)
    All work is to be presented in a professional manner that allows for
    corrections/comments to be made on your work. You are required to submit your
    completed Google Sheet online. It must contain all of your work and the worksheets
    must​ ​be​ ​in​ ​the​ ​same​ ​order​ ​as​ ​that​ ​listed​ ​below:
    1. Business​ ​details
    2. Chart​ ​of​ ​accounts
    3. Transaction​ ​list
    4. ​ ​​Procedures​ ​and/or​ ​assumptions
    5. Transactions​ ​and​ ​General​ ​Journal
    6. Stock​ ​cards
    7. General​ ​ledger
    8. Trial​ ​balance
    9. Income​ ​Statement
    10. Balance​ ​Sheet
    11. Statement​ ​of​ ​Cash​ ​Flows
    12. Check​ ​and​ ​Mark​ ​Sheet
    Please ensure that all worksheets are in the order stated above ​and that only ​ONE
    file containing all of these worksheets is submitted. All submissions ​must be in a
    suitable format that enables them to be easily read AND easily printed out by your
    instructor if necessary. Please note that the Business Design Project will not be
    required to go through Turnitin hence your online submission will have no reference to
    the degree of similarity as it has been set up as an assignment not subject to Turnitin.
    Each team must submit this assessment (Google Sheet and Assignment Cover
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    Sheet) online by the due date and time and in the format described in this document
    to​ ​avoid​ ​any​ ​penalties.
    Note: All your work must be readable, that is, do ​​not use an extremely small
    font​​ ​​size​​ ​​for​​ ​​your​​ ​​work.
    (2) ​Hard-copy submission of the above documents listed in (1) with the Assignment Cover
    Sheet secured to the front of the submission. Ensure that it is fully completed and that it
    contains details of your tutor’s name (Ha Nguyen OR Sonia Magdziarz) and that the
    course​ ​code​ ​(ACCT​ ​1106)​ ​is​ ​listed.
    (3)​ ​Completion​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Individual​ ​Evaluation​ ​forms​ ​online.
    Each team ​member ​must complete the required Individual Evaluation forms (Google form)
    online by the due date and time to avoid any penalties using the link provided in this
    Due​​ ​​Date​​ ​​for​​ ​​Stage​​ ​​1:​​ ​​​​Sunday​ ​August​ ​27,​ ​2017​ ​by​ ​11.59pm.
    ​ACCT1106  会计BUSINESS​​ ​​DESIGN​​ ​​PROJECT  assignment 代写
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    How​​ ​​do​​ ​​we​​ ​​avoid​​ ​​problems​​ ​​in​​ ​​our​​ ​​team?
    The following aims to provide some guidance to students and will possibly need to be
    adapted​ ​throughout​ ​the​ ​period​ ​of​ ​the​ ​assignment.
    Ensure that all team members are familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each
    team member. Remember that the purpose of this project is to provide you with a
    positive learning experience and develop generic skills. Use your areas of strength to
    guide other team members and ask for guidance by other team members in your areas of
    weakness.​ ​​ ​​Do
    Prepare a timetable for team meetings and a timeline for each step your team needs to
    complete (this is your 1​st draft and may be subject to change). Team meeting should
    occur​ ​at​ ​least​ ​weekly.
    Determine how you will exchange information i.e. online or face to face, or, would you
    prefer​ ​to​ ​use​ ​some​ ​other​ ​method?​ ​If​ ​so​ ​what​ ​method?
    Spend some time as a team ​ensuring all your team understands the business you have
    created​. The team must achieve consensus as to what the business is and how it
    operates. ​All team members should have a shared image or picture in their mind of
    the​​ ​​business.
    (e)​​ ​​ ​​Complete​ ​the​ ​Business​ ​Details​ ​worksheet.
    Summarise the project for tasks you must complete and constraints imposed. For
    example you must use the perpetual method for recording inventory and use the format
    provided in the Transactions and General Journal worksheet to submit your transactions.
    (The check and mark worksheet provided should help with this task). Check that the
    timeline you originally prepared is appropriate and adjust if necessary. Ensure that each
    team​ ​member​ ​is​ ​contributing.
    Review the project and/or your summary for terms/language that you are not familiar with.
    Prepare​ ​a​ ​glossary​ ​of​ ​terms​ ​that​ ​can​ ​be​ ​shared​ ​by​ ​all​ ​team​ ​members.
    Adjust the chart of accounts for the business structure you have selected. You ​must use
    the opening trial balance listed in the Chart of Accounts worksheet (also replicated in this
    document!)​ ​as​ ​the​ ​starting​ ​point​ ​for​ ​your​ ​chart​ ​of​ ​accounts.
    Prepare your transactions details’ ensuring that they are appropriate for the activities of
    your business and that the flow of transactions is logical. Record the transaction number
    from the Transaction List provided in the Transaction List worksheet so as to ensure you
    have recorded all required transactions. Remember that you will need to create additional
    transactions to reach the minimum transactions needed. Do not exceed the maximum
    transactions​ ​allowed.
    Analyse each transaction (in the Transaction and General Journal worksheet) adjusting
    the​ ​chart​ ​of​ ​accounts​ ​as​ ​necessary​ ​.
    (k)​​ ​​ ​​Post​ ​the​ ​general​ ​journal​ ​to​ ​the​ ​ledger​ ​and​ ​prepare​ ​a​ ​trial​ ​balance.
    (l)​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​Prepare​ ​the​ ​financial​ ​statements.
    Society  Semester
    DO​​ ​​NOT​​ ​​MAKE​​ ​​CHANGES​​ ​​TO​​ ​​THIS​​ ​​DOCUMENT-IT​​ ​​IS​​ ​​FOR​​ ​​VIEWING​​ ​​PURPOSES​​ ​​ONLY
    (m)Complete the Individual Team Member Evaluation Sheets. Each team member must
    evaluate each other team member using individual evaluation forms. Each team member
    must also complete an individual evaluation form about themselves. A link to the
    individual​ ​evaluation​ ​form​ ​is​ ​located​ ​earlier​ ​in​ ​this​ ​document.
    (n)​​ ​​ ​​Check​ ​that​ ​all​ ​tasks​ ​have​ ​been​ ​completed​ ​correctly​ ​and​ ​if​ ​necessary​ ​make​ ​adjustments.
    Collate your work in a logical manner and submit ensuring that it is in a format that allows
    your tutor to mark it and make corrections/comments with ease. That is make sure it is
    neat and presented professionally and uses any of the proformas provided in the
    (p)​​ ​​ ​​Ensure​ ​each​ ​team​ ​member​ ​keeps​ ​a​ ​copy​ ​for​ ​their​ ​own​ ​records.
    The​​ ​​following​​ ​​provides​​ ​​some​​ ​​guidance​​ ​​as​​ ​​to​​ ​​how​​ ​​to​​ ​​minimize​​ ​​the
    risk​​ ​​of​​ ​​problems​​ ​​within​​ ​​your​​ ​​team.
    (a)​​ ​​ ​​Make​ ​sure​ ​you​ ​are​ ​familiar​ ​with​ ​the​ ​manual​ ​provided​ ​on​ ​working​ ​effectively​ ​in​ ​teams.
    Make sure all team members have agreed to a regular meeting time (preferably a day of
    the week has been selected, an agreed starting time, expected duration and
    venue/method​ ​of​ ​communication).
    (c)​​ ​​ ​​Ensure​ ​tasks,​ ​responsibilities​ ​and​ ​timelines​ ​are​ ​documented.
    Where a team member does not attend a scheduled team meeting, is late for meetings or
    fails to complete tasks on time record the details including dates, times and problems.
    For example ‘it was agreed all team members would review pages 203 – 213 (perpetual
    inventory) 220 – 225 (GST) and Appendix 5A (moving weighted average cost) prior to
    our meeting on 31 March. [​Name of student]
    arrived 30 minutes late for the meeting and
    appears​ ​to​ ​not​ ​have​ ​done​ ​the​ ​required​ ​reading.
    Where a team member appears to have personal or study and learning problems
    encourage them to use the services provided by RMIT or encourage them to see a staff
    member for guidance as to the support available. These services include counselling,
    English support; writing skills, stress management etc. Be tolerant and understanding
    and remember that this is an opportunity to develop and/or demonstrate those
    inter-personal skills you are often asked to describe when seeking employment or
    If problems persist complete the peer evaluation form included in the “Working Effectively
    in Teams Study Semester 2, 2017” manual and forward to your instructor and the Course
    Each team member will be required to submit an individual team member evaluation form
    evaluating each member of the team (including themselves!) with the Stage 1 and Stage
    2 submissions. Your tutor will use these forms to determine if all team members in the
    team​ ​are​ ​awarded​ ​the​ ​same​ ​mark​ ​or​ ​if​ ​those​ ​who​ ​did​ ​less​ ​will​ ​have​ ​marks​ ​deducted.
    Society  Semester
    ACCT1106  会计BUSINESS​​ ​​DESIGN​​ ​​PROJECT  assignment 代写